The First Letter

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A while later, I arrive at Finns house and get out of the car. I quickly text Emma saying everything went fine and that I'll talk to her on our night out with Estelle on Saturday. Yawning, I open the letter box to find three letters.

•power bill

•letter from DesignYourHome congratulating me


•my first letter from Finn


"Oh my god!" I shriek.

I rip open the envelope with a huge grin on my face.

Dear Rachel,

Do you have any idea how much I miss you? I miss you so much it hurts! I know it's only been a few days but I miss spending every hour of everyday with you. But most of all I miss your gorgeous blue eyes and your kisses 😊

How's Emma and Estelle? Oh...and Brody 😉

I'm allowed to come home a few days before New Year's. I know, i know, I won't be able to be there for Christmas but I promise I will give you your present when I see you next.

I won't be able to Skype you today or tomorrow but I will try to whenever I can, so keep your computer with you at all times.

I love you so much, Rachel and nothing will change that 😘

Love always,

Finn xx

Blinking back tears I set the letter on the table and get a piece of paper and a pen. I start writing a letter back to Finn.


I miss you so much too! I have hardly any sleep because I can't stop thinking about you and crying. I miss everything about you and not being able to kiss, hug or snuggle with you is driving me crazy! ☺

Estelle and Brody are good. I haven't seen them since Emma's birthday party but Estelle, Emma and I are going to have a night out on Saturday.

And guess what! Emma has a boyfriend! His name is Landon and they met at a cafe last week. She was too embarrassed to tell Estelle and I at her birthday party. It's actually quite a long story so I'll explain it to you when we Skype.

Yay! I cannot wait until New Year's Day now! It doesn't matter that you won't be here for Christmas because seeing you is the best Christmas present ever!

I'll always take my laptop wherever I go now 😉

I love you even more than you can imagine, Finn.

Rachel xx

I slip the letter into an envelope and race out the door. Quickly, I cross the road and put the letter in the postbox.


"Yes," I groan. "Mum! I'm fine!"

"Okay, okay. If you insist," she sighs.

"When did you say you are coming back?"

"This Sunday," she exclaims.

"Yay! I miss you heaps, Mum!" I say. "I have a lot to tell you,"

"Okay, sweetie. I have to go, I'll talk to you later and I'll see you soon," she says.

"See ya, Mum," I force a smile.

I hang up the phone and decide to go to bed early. I check my phone to see what the time is.

"Seriously?" I groan. "It's only 5:30,"

I sigh in defeat and open my laptop to do some research on interior design for houses.

"Bleep bloop,"

All of a sudden Finn pops up onto my computer screen and I gasp in excitement. I scream and a huge, beaming smile appears on my face.

"It's good to see you too, babe," he laughs.

"Oh my god!" I shriek.

Finn covers his ears because my screams are so loud.

"Can you keep your voice down?" he laughs. "It's like, 1:30 in the morning over here,"

I giggle and blush. "Sorry,"

"It's alright, Rach," he smiles.

"So, what have you been up to," he asks, adjusting his camera.

I shrug. There is absolutely no way I am going to tell him about Cameron getting a job at the same place as me and that Cameron might be stalking me.

"Come on," he says. "Surely you've been up to something?"

I shake my head 'no' in reply, trying desperately to fight back tears.

He frowns. "Babe? Are you alright?"

And now for the tears...They gush down my face like a gigantic waterfall. I sob so loudly that most of the men sleeping behind Finn start to stir.

"No, Finn! I'm not alright!" I sob. "I miss you even more than you can imagine! I cry myself to sleep and have nightmares about you dying,"

"Shhh..." he sniffles, only then do I realise that he is crying as well.

"You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now, and hug you ever so tightly and comfort you," he sighs.

I smile and blush. "I'm pretty sure that I want to kiss you even more," I smirk.

"Pfft! You wanna bet?" he winks.

I poke my tongue out at him. "Guess what!"


"Mum is coming home on Sunday, so is your mum," I grin.

His eyes widen and he comes closer to the camera. "Pardon?"

"My mum and your mum are coming home on Sunday?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No, no, no!" he says with his head in his hands.

"What's wrong?" I worriedly ask. "Finn? Are you okay?"

He shakes his head. "I may or may not have told mum,"

"What?! You haven't even told your own mother!" I say.

"I didn't want her to freak out and come home. I wanted her to enjoy her work vacation," he sighs.

"Would you like me to tell her?" a smile tugging at my lips.

"Yes please," he smiles.

"I'm sure she will be happy for you,"

"Hopefully," he frowns, crossing his fingers.

"Did you get my letter?" he hurriedly asks.

"Yes! It was so sweet. I sent one back to you a few hours ago," I grin.

"Yay! I'm excited for that letter," he winks. "I have to go, sweetie. I promise I will write to you all the time and I'll Skype you soon," he smiles, blowing me kiss.

"Bye, Finn," I giggle.

He reaches up to the camera and turns it off, he then disappears from my computer screen. I let out a huge sigh and slump back onto the couch. Slowly, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

The 'Bad Boy' from school (on hold and major editing)Where stories live. Discover now