Welcome Home, Mum

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"Darling..." whispers a familiar voice.

"Mmmhhmmm?" I groan, waking up from my deep sleep.

"Wake up, sweetie," whispers a woman's voice.

"Mum?" I ask, opening one eye.

"Hey," she laughs.

"Mum!" I scream, jumping out of bed and wrapping my arms around her.

"I missed you too," she smiles, kissing my cheek.

I giggle. "I missed you so much!"

"How about you get dressed and we can go have a little coffee date," she winks.

"Sounds great!" I smile.

"Okay, I'll let you get dressed," she says, leaving the room.


Eventually, I decide to wear a white blouse tucked-in a black skirt, with black flats.

"You ready?" shouts Mum from downstairs.

"Coming!" I reply, walking out Finn's bedroom.

"Let's go," she smiles.

I smile back at her and we walk out to her car. I open the door and hop in, putting my seat belt on.

"Wait," I pause. "How did you know I was at Finn's house?"

"I had a feeling you would be there, so I asked Finn's Mum what the address was and she gave me a spare key," she smiles, driving out of the driveway.

"Oh," I giggle.

"Speaking of Finn, where is he?" she asks. "I haven't seen him for ages,"

"Ummm..." I whisper.

"What's wrong, Ell?" Mum asks, worriedly.

"He...umm..is at the...special forces," I whisper, barely audible.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie," she frowns, looking into my teary eyes.

"It's alright, I'm proud of him," I force a smile, blinking back tears.

"You should be," she smiles.

"And he comes back on break for New Year's," I smile, excitedly.

"Well, that's good," she replies.

A while later we pull up to 'The Hummingbird', a cafe 15 minutes away from Finn's house. We get out of the car, enter the cafe and order our drinks.

"I'll have a large, soy, cappuccino, please," Mum smiles.

"And I'll get a caramel mocha, please," I smile.

"Your orders won't be long," the waiter smiles.

Mum and I take a seat at a table near the window.

"So? What have I missed?" Mum asks.

"Wow!" I giggle. "Where do I start?"

She laughs and gestures me to begin.

"Okay," I pause, collecting my thoughts. "Estelle and Emma both have a boyfriend,"

"Nice, what else?"

I sigh and roll my eyes at my Mum's response. "Emma's ex-boyfriend is trying to get her back, Cameron thinks he can get me to love him again and Finn's Mum doesn't know he's in the Special Forces,"

She laughs lightly, then her eyes widen at the last part of my sentence. "What!?"

"He didn't want he to freak out and come home, he wanted her to enjoy her work vacation," I frown.

"I guess so," she smiles. "Are you going to tell her?"

I nod my head in response. "He actually asked me to tell her and I'm going to tomorrow,"

"No," she shakes her head. "We are going shopping tomorrow,"

"Shopping? Why?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Are you serious?" she asks, wide-eyed. "It's your birthday on Tuesday, Rachel,"

"Oh my god!" I scream. "I completely forgot!"

"I can tell, how about you ring her tonight?" she suggests.

"That's a great idea mum," I smile.

The 'Bad Boy' from school (on hold and major editing)Where stories live. Discover now