Girls Night Out

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"Hurry up, Rachel!" shout Emma and Estelle from downstairs.

It is Saturday evening and Emma, Estelle and I are going to the club. I'm still getting ready because I can't find anything to wear.

"Be patient!" I shout back. "I'm coming,"

I open Finn's bathroom and walk down the stairs. Emma and Estelle stand there with their mouths hanging open.

"What?" I question.

"Y-you look stunning!" they smile in unison.

A small smile appears on my lips. "Thank you,"

I'm wearing a strapless orange, light blue and pink watercolour dress. My feet fit snugly in my white high heels and my cheeks are a light pink from some blush. I applied a little bit of makeup and my hair bounces against my back.

Emma and Estelle link arms with me and I quickly grab my purse, phone and my white shawl. We skip to Emma's car and drive to the club.


"Let's go have some fun!" shrieks Estelle, getting out of the car.

"Agreed!" Emma and I reply in unison.

We giggle and head up the stairs, entering the club.

"What can I get you lovely ladies?" the bartender asks, whilst we sit down at the bar.

"I'll have the Sea Breeze," smiles Estelle.

"The Cosmopolitan please," I say.

"And I'll have the Sapphire Sun," smiles Emma, handing the bartender the money.

"Sure thing," he smiles, opening the till.

"Emma, are you sure you don't want us to pay?" I ask, gestering to Estelle.

"Nope, it's fine," she smiles.

"Emma?" the bartender asks.

"Yeah?" she asks, looking at the bartender for the first time.

Suddenly her eyes widen, she blushes and a huge grin forms on her face.

"Landon!" she squeals.

"Hey, babey," he smiles.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, whilst he comes out from behind the bar and walks towards us.

"I work here," he chuckles.

"Oh, I knew that," she giggles, wrapping her arms around him.

He laughs and smashes his lips onto hers. Estelle and I pretend gag while they are deeply, passionately kiss right in front of us. After what seems like forever they stop kissing and Estelle and I let out a sigh of relief. Emma giggles and lightly pecks Landon on the lips.

"Oh, umm...this is, umm, Landon?" blushes Emma.

"Hey," he smiles, waving at Estelle and I. "I'm Landon, Emma's boyfriend,"

"We figured that," snorts Estelle.

I nudge Estelle in the stomache. "It's nice to meet you, Landon," I smile.

"Emma's told me a lot about you two," he says, boring into Emma's eyes.

Estelle coughs loudly, breaking their stare at each other. Emma blushes and I glare at Estelle.

"Maybe we should leave you two love birds alone," I wink at Emma.

"You don't have to do that," says Landon, shaking his head. "I don't want to ruin your girls night out,"

"How about we get to know each other?" suggests Emma. "You girls get to know Landon and he gets to know you. Sound good babe?"

"That sounds good to me," he smiles back at her, pecking her lightly on the lips. "I can also serve my customers at the same time,"

We all chuckle and Landon walks back behind the bar.

"So how did you meet?" Estelle giggles.

"Umm," Emma blushes.

Landon smiles and laughs. "We actually met at a cafe,"

"And?" Estelle smirks.

"Emma came into the cafe, her eyes were all red and puffy from crying. She sat down and cried, really loudly," he smiles. "I thought she needed comforting so I went over to her and she cried into my chest. I instantly fell in love with her and asked her out to dinner that night. We kissed and yeah..." he blushes.

"Nawww!" Estelle and I say in unison.

"So what about you girls? How did you meet," asks Landon.

"Well, I recently moved to their school, Broadmeadow high school. And I guess something just clicked and we became best friends," I smile.

"And Emma and I have known each other since kindergarten," Estelle says.

"Really? If I saw you girls out in public I would think that you've been friends since you were born," says Landon, serving a customer.

We all laugh and Emma just sits silently in her stool, every now and then blushing.

"Is Emma alright?" I mouth to Estelle.

She shrugs her shoulders in reply.

"I have to go to the...ummm..bathroom," Emma sniffles, running to the bathroom.

"What happened?" asks Landon, handing us our drinks.

"I don't know," I sigh. "She's been acting weird all afternoon,"

"Oh," Landon says, deeply in thought.

"I'll go checkup on her," I smile.

I get up from my stool and walk to the bathroom. Gradually, I open the door to find Emma curled up in a ball, sobbing loudly.

"Emma?" I ask.

"Rachel," she smiles, wiping away her tears.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I worriedly ask, wrapping my arms around her.

"M-m-my...ummm...he's...b-b-back," she sobs into my chest.

"Who's back?" I say, stroking her back.

"My ex-boyfriend, he's back," she cries. "And he's in the club right now!"

The 'Bad Boy' from school (on hold and major editing)Where stories live. Discover now