My little 'Plot'

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I wake up to the sun blazing in through my curtains. I open my eyes and slowly get out of bed. Glancing at my bedside table at my alarm clock, I noticed that I was already late for the bus, so I decided to walk.

I hurried downstairs, grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Cya, Mum!" I call upstairs.

I close the door behind and fell the warm, bright sun hit my face. I turn around and wave 'hello' to the elderly couple that live next-door. They lift their heads and smile. For some reason I was in quite a good mood this morning. I didn't know whether it was the weather or the fact that I broke up with Cameron last night, which for me was a good feeling, knowing that he was a jerk.

My smile fades as I open my eyes and see a familiar face from the corner of my eye. Cameron! I start walking really fast, hoping he wouldn't see me or would just ignore me. But unfortunately I, was wrong.

"Hey, ummm, Rachel?" he says, grabbing my arm.

"Ugh! What now?!" I say, throwing my hands in the air.

"I wanted to apologise for last night, I was an idiot for calling you a bitch. I was just rally scared and confused," he murmurs under his breathe.

Quick, Rachel, think! Got it! "I have a new boyfriend," I blurt out. Idiot, stop listening to yourself.

Cameron looks up from his shoes and looks at my with widened eyes. "Really? Already? We haven't even broken up for a whole day yet and you tell me you have a new boyfriend? Just like that!" he says raising an eyebrow.

"Yep, he's really nice, amazingly sexy and..." I pause, just for effect. "He doesn't lie," I say, giving him a wink as I brushed past his side.

Before I could walk off into the distance, claiming my victory, I feel a warm, strong hand grip onto my arm and spin me around to face the 'mysterious man' (I knew that it was Cameron).

"I'm sure he doesn't give you kisses as great as mine," he says smirking.

Before I can protest, he smashes his lips onto mine. It sent electricity through my veins and made my knees all weak and shaky. Damn, I really missed this feeling! He slowly broke the kiss and smiled, looking at my dazed reaction.

"Cya later, Rachel," he sighed, pain flashing across his face.

He swiftly let go of my arm and blew me a kiss as I walked through the school gate. I turn around, holding back my urge to turn around and watch him walk over to his friends, because I knew he would probably be kissing Veronica, passionately or rubbing her 'pregnant' stomach. I was determined to find out and get to the bottom of this chaos. I knew she was lying and I had to find a way to make her tell the truth. I also wanted Cameron even more jealous, so I was planning on getting a new boyfriend today. I feel a tap on my shoulder, swinging around furiously.

"Who crapped in your cornflakes?" Estelle says, worried.

"Oh, hey, Estelle," my anger completely fades as she grabs me and pulls me into a huge bear hug. She really was the best friend someone like me could have.

"You must be pretty shaken up," she says, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

She was the only person who knew that Cameron and I were dating and I think the rumors about Veronica's pregnancy must have escalated quickly and she kind of got the idea that we weren't dating anymore.

"Yeah, I guess so. H e told me about it last night and I guess you could say I taught him a little lesson on lying," I say, watching her giggle, slightly.

"Oh," she started giggling and I joined in.

I realised that last night was pretty funny. Not his side of the argument, but mine. The way that Cameron would think he had it wrapped up and then I came zooming in to win the race. He was so stupid last night! I had no idea what came over him and I honestly didn't think I cared.

"Rachel? Earth to Rachel?" Estelle says, bringing me out of my daze.

I look up at her facial expression and cracked up laughing. She looked so serious with a lop sided grin. She tilted her head and looked at me. I pulled out my phone to show her the face she pulling and she fell to the ground laughing. I looked over to where Cameron was sitting and froze as I realised he had been staring at us the whole time. He caught me looking at him and threw me a playful wink. That was it!

"Come here," I says, motioning for Estelle to come closer.

"What's up?" she asks, walking over to my ear.

"Here's the plan. We go and sit over there," I say, pointing to a free table near Cameron and Veronica's table. The 'Popular' Table. "Pretend to talk about something hilarious. Occasionally looking over to Cameron, and then randomly burst into laughter. Got it?"

"Yep!" she whisper-shouts, putting her thumbs up.

I pull her over to the table I had pointed out and we sit and pretend to laugh and giggle lightly. All of a sudden we go quiet and start laughing so hard that everyone turns around and looks at us, including Cameron. Phase 1=Complete!

Now for Phase 2-Get a new sexy boyfriend.

The 'Bad Boy' from school (on hold and major editing)Where stories live. Discover now