Happy Birthday To Me

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Opening one eye, I am blinded by sunlight. I blink a few times and eventually my eyes adjust to the light. A wide smile appears on my lips when I see all the balloons scattered around the room and a few pesents at the edge of Finn's bed.

A 'Happy Birthday Rachel!' banner is hanging above the window and there is a note on the bedside table.

Happy Birthday, Rachel! Can't wait to see you around midday today! Love you so much sweetie!

Mum xx

Placing the note down I can't help but smile. I don't know why I'm smiling, I'm not even happy or excited. I'm sad. Finn won't be here. Finn isn't going to be here.

Stop it, Rachel!

I mentally shake my head and hop into the shower. After a nice, relaxing, warm shower I dry myself and decide to wear the white lacy dress that Mum had got me yesterday. I slip on some black flats and grab my white shawl. Walking downstairs, I tie my hair back into a messy ponytail and pick up my purse and put my phone into it along with some money.

I can't be bothered to cook myself breakfast so I'm going out for breakfast to treat myself.


"Hi, Rachel!" the waitress exclaims as I walk up to the counter. "The usual today?"

"Hey, Holly," I giggle. "Nope, I think I'll try something new,"

"Getting sick of the Caramel Latte and bacon and eggs?" Holly laughs.

"I don't know," I shrug my shoulders. "I feel like something fatty, sugary and sweet!"

"Big change," she winks. "What would you like?"

"Ummm..." I say, staring at the menu. "Can I please get a large honey-lemon iced tea and a stack of chocolate-chip pancakes,"

"Sure thing," Holly replies, typing my order into the computer. "Is that eat-in or takeaway?"

"Takeaway, please," I smile.

"$15.25 thank you," she smiles.

I hand her a twenty-dollar note and she gives me my change.

"Your order won't be long," she says, handing me my receipt.

"Thank you,"


"There's your iced tea and your chocolate-chip pancakes," Holly says, handing me a bag and cup.

"Thank you," I smile.

"I put something extra in the bag," she says, sweetly. "I thought you look like you need some cheering up,"

I smile and look into the bag. Chocolate-chip pancakes....a few little chocolates and a small bunch of flowers. A small smile appears on my lips as I look up to see her blushing.

"Thank you," I giggle. "That's exactly what I need,"

"It's my pleasure, I'm glad I made you feel a bit better," she smiles.

"You sure did," I say.

Before I can process what I'm doing I wrap my arms around her and cry onto her shoulder.

"There, there," she whispers, patting my back. "You want to tell me what's up?"

I slowly nod my head and break our hug.

"Well, at the moment I have a boyfriend," I blush, slightly.

Holly's eyes widen. "Do you want me to bash him? Because I will!"

The 'Bad Boy' from school (on hold and major editing)Where stories live. Discover now