Why would you lie to me?

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"Veronica is pregnant...and it's mine..." he says, watching my eyes fill with anger.

I look into his eyes and my palms start to become sweaty. I rub my eyes and shake my head. Surely he was just joking or this was all just a dream. I pinch myself again and again, trying desperately to wake up from the nightmare.

"This isn't a dream, babe," he says, his face in his hands.

"Are you telling me that you lied to me!? Cameron!" I say, getting up from the bed.

"When did I lie to you?" says Cameron, a confused look on his face.

"Don't you remember our first fight. Not last night, but the night before, you told me that you haven't slept with anyone," I say, tears rushing down my face.

"There was this one time, a few days before you came to the school. We used protection but I don't know what happened," he sighs, getting up off the bed.

He starts to pace and I just stare at him with anger boiling in my blood. How could he? After all this time! But, ugh!

"Are you sure it's yours?" I say, mentally crossing my fingers.

"Veronica swore to me that it was mine, there's no way she would lie about something like that," he says, sliding down the wall and into a sobbing, confused heap on the ground.

"She would lie about it if she didn't want us to be together. Maybe she's not even pregnant and she will end up lying about having a miscarriage," I say, hoping that my theory was actually true.

"How could you joke about something like that, Rachel?" he says, looking at me, hurt in his eyes.

"Did you seriously think I was joking?" I say, putting me 'serious' face on.

"Wow, you really were serious, aye?" He says, laughing a tad at my facial expression.

"What's so funny? The fact that you slept with Veronica and didn't have the guts to tell me, or the fact that Veronica might be pregnant with your child?" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air.

I didn't think this was funny at all! If he thought that he could get away with lying to Rachel Seamen that easy, he was going to cop it...sweet!

"I think it's really not your business, Rachel! If I needed your help I would have asked for it!" he shouts, walking towards me.

"How dare you speak to me like that! And if it wasn't any of my business why did you tell me?" I say, pouting my lips as if I had won the argument.

"I told you...I told you because I didn't want to lie to you and keep it a secret. You would have heard all the rumours and the first thing you would do is avoid me and...." he trails off, murmuring something under his breathe.

"Well, I'm glad you think of me that way," I glare at him, squinting my eyes for effect. "But, Mr. Cameron, that wouldn't have been the first time you've lied to me. Would it!" I give him an eye piecing stare.

"When have I ever lied to you?" he asks, looking at me blank faced.

"Where were you about 5 minutes ago? Oh, wait...are you forgetting to tell me something else. Like that wasn't you a few minutes ago, but it was your twin brother!" I scream, hoping the whole world can hear me.

"Wait? What? I don't have a twin brother, what are you on about!" he shouts, looking at me directly in my eyes.

"What the-You really are stupid aren't you! I don't see how I fell for some kind of jerk like you!" I scream, and collapse onto the bed with a sigh.

"The rumours are true! I was in love with a bitch!" he shouts.

"What did you just call me!?" I say, sternly, looking at him with widened eyes.

"A bitch! I called you a bitch! B-I-T-C-H, bitch!" he shouts so loudly that the whole neighbourhood probably would have heard him.

"Get out!" I scream, throwing my pillows at him. "Get out of my house! I never want to see you again!"

"That's exactly what I was just about to do! Goodbye, Rachel Seamen!" he shouts, opening the bedroom door.

I hear him quietly sobbing as he walks out the bedroom door. A few minutes later I hear the front door open, and then slam shut with a loud BANG!

The 'Bad Boy' from school (on hold and major editing)Where stories live. Discover now