Chapter 20

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Me and namjoon are now walking to the car and i have never been more confused.

"Umm namjoon whats going on? And why did we have to come to the car?"

I asked as I was sitting in the passengers seat.

"Well you see (Y/n) Taehyung doesn't want you around Jungkook because he's always starting trouble." Namjoon said looking at me as he got in the car.

"Oh okay but will they be out soon they've been in there for a while now." I said tilting my head to the side.

"Oh yeah they should be out soon, they're probably just getting something." Namjoon said as he started the car.

"Why are you starting the car?" I said panicking a little.

"Because your boyfriend just texted me and told me to drop you off at home." Namjoon said as he started to drive.

"No we cant just leave Taehyung and Jimin are still in there." I said looking back.

"(Y/n) its fine he said he's coming to see you later." Namjoon said giving me a smile.

After that I just shut up because I knew he wouldn't turn around or stop the car but I had a bad feeling about this.

--- Taehyung Pov ---

As (Y/n) and namjoon walked out I texted namjoon to take (Y/n) home.

I really didn't want our day to end like this but it had too.

It would be okay if it was just Jungkook because by himself he's powerless but today he had someone else with him.

Kim Seok Jin he's in the same gang as Jungkook and he's one of the most powerful members.

They then started to walk over to us as we where getting out of our seats.

"Well well well its Taehyung and Jimin, I heard you guys weren't in gangs no more." Jin said walking around circling us.

"We're actually not so you can go now." I said with a straight face.

"We actually can't because I heard you've been giving Jungkook some trouble lately and we need to change that." He said smirking.

"Jungkook's pathetic just like you." Jimin said scoffing.

"Not pathetic as Taehyung doing any and everything for money." Jungkook said laughing.

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Jin said smirking.

"Yeah he actually does and she's my ex." Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

By this time I was boiling with anger and I couldn't control it I was so mad I could possibly kill someone.

"But we'll fix that soon." Jungkook said laughing.

Thats what set me off.

I grabbed Jungkook by the collar and slammed him on the floor drawing my fist back to hit him but before I did Jin called my name.

Taehyung I wouldn't do that if I where you.

I then looked to see him have a gun to Jimins head.

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