Chapter 5

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"Wow, nice place you got here." Taehyung said as he walked right past me.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you find out where I live? Are you a stalker?!" I said panicking a little with my last sentence.

"Well to answer your first question I came to walk you to school and For your second question, I only live a block away so I had to come this way yesterday and seen you walking inside." Taehyung said with a smirking.

"Well that still doesn't give you the right to come inside my house, and what about the third question are you a stalker?." I said looking at Taehyung with my arms crossed.

"No i am not a stalker but anyway Shut up and lets go." Taehyung said laughing and pulling me out the door.

As we were walking Taehyung was rambling on about stupid things that I knew nothing about and that didn't catch my attention.

Until he asked me a question that made me start thinking about the note again...

"Do you live alone (Y/n)?" Taehyung asked me with his eyebrows raised.

"Well actually my brother lives there too but he hasn't been home lately because of collage." I said looking back up at Taehyung confused.

"Oh." Taehyung said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"But why do you ask?" I said removing his arm.

"Well I asked because I seen two guys going into your house last night when I was walking to the store." Taehyung said putting his arm around me once again.

"Oh umm, yeah it was probably just my brother coming in." I said with a nervous laugh and Taehyung gave me a smile.


I was now on my way to my locker since we've arrived at school, and when I got there I see Mina there with a cheesy smile on her face.

"So (Y/n) tell me the details." She said squealing.

"The details of what?" I asked confused about what she's talking about.

"Ughh, you know what I mean! The details with you And Taehyung, everyone seen you guy's walk in the school together!"

"I also gave him your number did he text you yet?" Mina asked jumping up and down.

"Well if you must know he actually did and he only lives a block always from me, so he showed up at my door step."

"Omg Omg Omg! You guys are totally perfect together!" Mina said shaking me by my shoulders.

"Well I'm sorry to tell you this Mina but I don't like him, Im just not interested." I said as me and Mina went our separate ways.

When I got to class I took my seat and saw Taehyung already sitting there with his head laid across the desk.

As we got deeper and deeper Into class, I started to notice Jungkook wasn't there, but I was honestly glad.

The door of the class room then busted open and I seen Jungkook walk in.

"Sorry Im Late." Jungkook said as he glanced at me and turned his head.


We just got back to class from lunch and I started to feel a pair of eyes on me. I thought it was Taehyung at first but when I looked over I seen he was still sound asleep on his desk.

I then turned my head again to find out that it was only Jungkook staring at me with an angry look across his face, as he was clenching his jaw.

I got so nervous with Jungkook staring at me like that I asked if I could go to the restroom.

Why the hell does he look mad though? If anyone should be mad it should be me he was in my house, he picked me up, and even left a fucking note.

Once I was inside the restroom I went to look in the mirror. When I looked in the mirror I thought about my brother. I haven't seen him in a while.

"Is he okay?" is the question that went through my mind over and over again until a feeling of loneliness washed over me again.

I stood there for a moment and continued to look at my reflection.

"I wish my parents were here." I finally snapped out of my thoughts and washed my hands once I heard footsteps in the hall.

I made my way out the restroom, and felt a pair of strong hands pinning me against the wall by my wrist.

The person pinning me against the wall then leaned in a kissed me roughly before they started to whisper in my ear...

"You're mine."

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