Chapter 9

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We finally arrived at (Y/n)'s house and I looked around in her purse and tried to find her house key.

It took me a while, but I finally found it.

I carried (Y/n) upstairs to her room and laid her in bed.

I didn't want to seem like a pervert so I didn't really bother trying to change her clothes.

After that I just sat there on the floor right next to her bed. I then turned around and took a look at her beautiful face.

I then started to think about the things me and my gang did in the past and what happened that night.

--- Flashback ---

It was the beginning of my freshman year, and my friends Min Yoongi, Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon and I wanted to be cool, so we decided to join a gang.

Once we joined the gang we broke into houses, stole things, vandalized, started fights, played with girls hearts, sold drugs, ran from the police, and even went to jail a couple of times.

Not only that but we also had a rival gang, they were the only gang that could possibly ever get stronger than us and we didn't want that to happen...

But it just so happened Jungkook was in that gang and thats what all lead up to that night.

The leader of Jungkook's gang Min Jung kidnapped my younger brother.

They kidnapped him to blackmail me for money, they wanted 50 millon dollars in one week because I killed his sister.

I tried everything I could to get the money, I swear I did but I didnt get it in time.

They told me a location to meet and I was trying to work something out but it didn't quite work out like I thought it would.

They ended up shooting my brother and I had to watch, then they locked me in the room with him and I had no choice but to watch his lifeless body lay there until I escaped.

It's all my fault it happened it would have never happened if I never decided to join a gang, and even though Jungkook wasn't there I still blame him.

My brother told me it was stupid idea in the first place, I should have just listened. Thats my problem I never listen.

--- End of flashback ---

So that all leads to now, me moving to Seoul, and now sitting beside (Y/n)'s bed.

Even though I love (Y/n) I can't let that get In the way of my goal. I have to make her fall into my trap.

"Its just a matter of time"... And with that last thought, I drifted off to sleep on the carpeted floor with tears in my eyes.

--- Y/n Pov ---

I woke up with a really bad headache. The last thing I remember is Taehyung, taking the bottle of liquor out my hands.

I then looked to the side of my bed and seen 2 aspirin and a glass of water.

But how did it get there? How did I even get here? My thoughts were then interrupted when Taehyung walked into my room.

"I see sleeping beauty is awake now." Taehyung said leaning against the door frame.

"Taehyung don't call me that... but why are you in my house?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"Well last night you ran out of the party, and I follow you to the store. Where you came out chugging liquor, then you passed out. So I brought you home." Taehyung said with a smile on his face.

"Thankyou so much Taehyung, I'm really sorry for giving you trouble." I said with sincerity in my voice.

"Its alright I didn't mind. But If you really want to thank me, let me take you on a date." Taehyung said with a smirk on his face.

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