Chapter 1

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     --- 3rd person Pov ---

     Your name is (Y/f/n), you're a senior at Seoul High, and you're 17 years old.

     You've always had a pretty good life... Well for the most part, but we'll get into that sooner or later.

    You have a best friend named Mina, you have a brother Minjun, you also have a ex Jeon Jungkook.

He cheated on you because you weren't ready to give him your virginity.

Which is bullshit don't you think?

   --- Y/n Pov ---

     It's 6 o'clock A.m. and Minjun is banging on my door trying to wake me up for school.

     "(Y/n) wake up for school you're going to be late!" Minjun yelled through the door.

     "Ughhh I'm up." I said as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.


     I'm now done with my morning routine, and I tied my long brown hair into a messy bun.

     When I got done I made my way down stairs to make myself breakfast, but when I got to the kitchen I seen a bowl of cereal with a note beside it.

I made your favorite breakfast!!! ~Minjun.

   I then looked away from the note     and down to the bowl of cereal.

This isn't my favorite breakfast but I sit down and start to eat it anyway.

     Minjun would usually eat breakfast with me, but since he started "college" a few weeks ago things have changed.

He would leave early and come back late due to his "studies" and most of the time he wouldn't come home at all.

      I don't know what he's doing but I have a feeling that there's alot he's not telling me.

     As I got done eating my phone started to ring and it was my mom.

-Hello mom?!

-Who am I speaking to?

- Mom it's me, (Y/n).

- Oh it's just you... I must have called the wrong number by mistake bye.

    As I got off the phone I let out a scoff and started walking to school.

    You haven't talked to your daughter in 6 months and all you can say when you call is wrong number?!

And she wonders why I like my dad more. Yeah he's did some bad things in the past, but he always treated me better then she has.

     I just wish I could see him but I guess I should be use to it by now.

It's been like this Every since I was seven.

     Our mom would never be around and she would "band" us from seeing our dad.

      She would just send us money every week trying to buy our love or something.

Yeah it might work for Minjun but for me it just isn't enough. It's like I forgot what having a mother or father feels like and I blame her.

     As I was walking down the sidewalk I finally arrived to school.

When I was walking through the gates I noticed my bestfriend Mina running towards me with a big smile across her face.

     "Mina I was only out sick for one week." I said chuckling.

      "But it felt like forever." Mina said pouting as we started to walk towards our lockers.

      Mina and I then had to go our separate ways because her locker was a hall away from mine.

As I got closer and closer to my locker I started to notice two familiar figures.

     Once I got there I seen it was Jungkook and the tramp he left me for, Mia.

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