Chapter 14

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"(Y/n) I love you." Is the last thing I heard before Taehyung started to pour out his feelings for me.

Of course I'm happy he's confessing to me but it all just happened so fast.

Actually I'm way more than happy that he's confessing to me. I'm so happy that my whole mind is blank, and I'm blushing like an idiot the whole time.


We where now at my doorstep and I finally came to my senses with the last sentence Taehyung said.

"(Y/n) I've finally confessed my love for you, So will you be my girlfriend pleaseeee." Taehyung said stretching the please and pouting.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Taehyung." I said blushing a deep shade of pink.

"Yayyy, I love you so much." Taehyung said picking me up and spinning me around.

"Taehyung I love you too, but put me down." I said giggling. Taehyung then put me down and started to get closer And closer to my face.

I could feel his warm breath inches away from my lips.

Taehyung then closed the gap between us with a passionate kiss. We then started to move our lips in sync and they fit together perfectly. Taehyung then tilted his head a little and deepened the kiss.

We then pulled away to catch our breath and I started blushing again but way more than last time.

"I'll call you later (Y/n), I have to get going." Taehyung said blushing a little himself.

"Okay talk to you later Taehyung." He then tilted my chin up and kissed me once more.

"See you later babe." is the last thing he said before I watched him walk away.

I then unlocked the front door and made my way upstairs with a smile on my face.

"I'm finally his." I then laid in bed with a smile on my face thinking about Taehyung, as I drifted off to sleep.

--- Taehyung Pov ---

I was now on my way home and I felt like I was the luckiest person on earth right now.

"I finally got her." I thought I was almost home and a smirk was still on my face.

I then spotted Jungkook walking towards me with a not so happy look on his face, and I could tell he was going to say something.

"Didn't I tell you to stay the fuck away from (Y/n)?!" Jungkook gritted through his teeth.

"Maybe you should stay away from her." I said clenching my jaw trying to hold back my anger.

"Tsk, And why should I do that?" Jungkook asked letting out a dry laugh.

"Because I fucking said so." I said pushing Jungkook, making him stumble back.

I could see the anger rising up in Jungkook as we yelled back and forth at each other until I had enough.

"Why do you fucking care about (Y/n) so much when your not even with her?!" I yelled lifting him up by his collar.

"Because I still love her!" Jungkook screamed back with his face turning a shade of red.

I then threw Jungkook on the ground making him groan.

"Your fucking pathetic Jungkook, but stay away from my girlfriend or else." I gritted through my teeth standing over him.

I then started to walk off and I heard Jungkook.

"Your going to regret that." He said as he was getting up I don't even have the energy to respond to him right now.


I'm now walking inside my front door and made my way up to my room.

I then laid across my bed and started to smile as I closed my eyes.

"(Y/n)'s finally mine." But just as I started drifting off to sleep I heard a ringing noise coming from my pocket, and I didn't even bother to look at the caller ID.

I then heard 2 other voices coming outside the phone that belonged to Jimin and Suga.

Saying they will be coming to Seoul tomorrow and will be spending a lot of time here.

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