43:The New Beginning

Start from the beginning

Three devils were laughing like Maniac with Ice water filled Balloons in their hands, ready to attack again if I am Not awake


"I am Awake ...I am Awake "I cried of Cold

Gosh why it had to be always me

"Now that she is awake what to do of this?"Alice asked looking at balloons

"Damn Jenny why you have to wake up so easily?"Bella asked acting irritated

"Are you Guys gone crazy? How can you Guys not expect me to wake up after so much torture?"I shouted still shaking with cold

"Because you tend to lose all contacts with the world while you are asleep."Bella said as if stating Matter of fact

"What?"I asked offended

"Though I am saying, it's their words "Bella said pointing towards Beth and Alice

"By the way why are you Guys here so early in the morning?"I asked to know the reason for which they couldn't wait for me to wake up

"To remind you that today is your engagement and you are getting married soon" Alice said jumping up and down

"What? This is it? You woke me up so harshly to tell me this shit?"I asked losing my temper

"Whoa whoa what with the shitty mood?"Beth asked sarcastically

I am 100 percent sure this cruel idea must be of Beth only. She has mind of daemon

"You asking me this are you serious? Why can't you Guys just let me sleep for Once?"I asked pleadingly

"Because we are too happy today. You Guys are finally getting married" Alice said excitedly putting extra force on finally

"Guys can't we have this discussion later? You see I am middle of something" I said pointing towards my bed

"And this is why I told you Guys to bring extra water balloons" Beth said getting thrilled

"Ok Ok I am finally up. Just give me second to freshen up" I said Giving up my dream of Sleeping

Devils I said in low tone

"We can hear that" All three shouted in Unison

"Not My fault" Saying this I rushed to washroom

When I came out of the washroom I saw Girls ready with tons of Lists and pen

"Didn't you Guys slept all Night?"I asked astonished by seeing the length of the List

"You are not suppose to say anything just answer what we ask" Alice ordered

"This is the rudest thing I have ever heard after being rudely woke up" I said faking sadness

"Whoa Thank you" Saying this Alice just Blew me off

Huh Now that was really rude

"Just Quick questions Jenny are you really ready for marriage this time?"Beth asked sarcastically
"Breaking up with Austin was a great mistake which won't happen again I assure You Beth" I said putting hand on my heart to make it sound more dramatic

"That means there going be marriage right?"Alice confirmed
"Yeah" I said in duh tone
"Damn I am so excited for this." Alice said bouncing up and down and checking her lists she had in her hands.

"What's in that list Alice?"I asked confused

"I have sorted out all the things necessary for Wedding. Like Place, Dress, Cakes and then all the options we can have .Like for Example take cake "She said removing one Page "For cake we have this many options" She said showing me the list

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