My throat felt as dry as a desert and my palms were sweating like crazy. But I kept running, pushing myself even more knowing I was so close, yet so far.

My feet hitting the last steps barley touched the floor before I opened the door to the third floor. The hallway was empty unlike the other floors. The door silently closed behind me and i wiped the sweat that was forming around my hair.

I slowly walked in and glanced around checking for gards but found none, my chest puffing quickly up and down. I took a step forward cringing at the sound of my white converse squeaking loudly. Which way? I looked to my right; it held a long hallway with many doors.

Wow it's really quiet and empty, where are the nurses?

Next I turned my head to my left brushing my soft curls away; the left had a shorter hallway with a turn to the right unableling me to see further.

The right it is.

I turned my body and began walking to the right; I took about three long strides when I heard something. It was muffled, almost silent. "Hmmm" I said standing still.

I stood still for about thirty seconds' before getting impatient. I took five long strides

*thump* *thump*

I stopped and turned around to the left. I heard it again, almost like someone talking. I stood staring behind me, should I go?

What if it's someone else? What if it's Kylie? I have to check just in case it's her; what if I wasn't there to help her?

I turned my body once again and started walking to the left. "No one's allowed on this floor" "Holly shit!" I said turning to see the same nurse on the elevator.

She was smiling really creepy again with her arms crossed in front of her chest "Where's Kylie?" I said "I'm done playing your stupid games"

"Ha-ha! Oh Styles, but the games have just began" A sharp scream pierced my ears; I turned recognizing the scream.


I said running towards the noise. The nurse kept laughing behind me as I ran down the hall and turned right. I opened every door I passed "Kylie?!" another scream.

"Kylie?!" I shouted again when I saw something pass down the hall, I stopped looking and stared down the darken hallway; isn't there any lights here?

"Kylie?" I said when I heard another noise. "The hell?" I said getting closer to get a better look. My pace was slow when something crashed into the back of my head throwing me to the floor.

"Hey prince charming, can't take a hint? She's mine now" I tried getting up but he placed a firm foot on my back pushing the air out of my lungs. I placed my big palms on the floor and tried getting up "Nuh ugh" he said putting more weight on me.

"Get the hell off" I said flipping on my back; I elbowed the back of his knee making it give in. I rolled on top of him, he was face down and I grabbed one of his arms and pulled it back.

"WHO the HELL are YOU!" I yelled pulling back on his arm even more. He cried out in pain before saying "Break it" and began laughing.

"As you wish" I said pulling it back until it popped when someone threw me off of the guy. "Run!" the person yelled to the guy now holding his arm before running off. I landed on my back and felt the shock go up in vibrations.

"Great!" I said standing up in a blink and grabbed the guy in front of me and slammed him to the wall. He was quick and swift throwing me off him; I faced him recognizing the technic.

Hidden (Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now