Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I could hardly sleep that night to know that Jason is out to get me & the people I love. It all started when we killed that murderer at Jason's house when....Liz....was still here. I wiped my tears away, tears of hate. Why couldn't have I declined his offer for me to teach him anyway? He's so crazy, just thinking about him now made my stomach do flip-flops. I couldn't go to school tomorrow! I'm not going to risk my life! I'd end up like Mrs. Barkley, or Liz! Shudder. I had to feign sickness tomorrow. Of course my mom is pretty sensitive towards me and lenient, so she had have to believe me!

For no reason, when I got up, I was excited. I don't know why but I had a feeling today was going to be a good day. Was it the chance that I could possibly stop Jason from hurting anyone else? Jumping out of bed, grabbed my bathrobe of my door and headed towards the bathroom. I felt so ambitious, so good, I might even wash the the dishes! After getting dressed, I saw mom getting ready. 

"Mom, you don't have to take me to school anymore." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes. I'm pretty sure the killer's locked up. Besides, not a lot of murderers come out during the day." Except me & Jason, I thought. She sighed. "Fine..." I happily grabbed my stuff & literally skipped out the house, singing. Today wasn't a killing day. It was a day to enjoy. For once, I was actually happy to see the sun out. As I approached closer towards the school, I thought about what I was going to do today. First, I was going to go to the library, then I'm going to go to the cemetary to pay a visit to my closest friends. Jason...... oh no. I stabbed him yesterday! He's probably told on me! I started to worry. I hope he doesn't come to school today. I nervously sat at my desk and looked up at the teacher's desk, half-expecting for Mrs. Barkley to be there. But she wasn't . Instead, there was a male teacher, whose name was Mr. Barkley! I gasped and checked the name to see if that was his real name. It was. 

"Hello, class. My name is Mr. Barkley and I want respect from all of you. I am Mrs. Barkely's husband. I am in control in this classroom & you will not talk back in this class. Is that clear?" We all nodded in silence. I didn't like this guy at all. Was this her husband, so controlling, demanding? To make me feel better I decided to draw a picture of him hung. Of course, he caught me & I got in serious trouble. 

"I do NOT tolerate drawing in my class, got it Missy?" He yelled. In. My. Face. Right when I was about to argue back, I heard a girl's voice. 

"What's wrong with drawing?" He turned angrily at her. 

"I'll tell you what's wrong with NOT minding your own business!" He growled. The whole class was cheering the girl. I smiled. How nice for her to stick up for me. After the teacher was done yelling at her, she ended up in detention. Poor girl. After school, I looked for her in detention. There she was, drawing herself in Mr. Barkley's class. I walked in & pretended to get something from my desk. She just glanced at me, but didn't smile. 

"Hey," I whispered. She said hi back. 

"What's your name?" She just stared at me then responded. 

"Rachelle." It was surely a unique name.  

"I'm Ella. I just wanna thank you for standing up for me in clas." She shrugged. 

"You're welcome." 

"This teacher is a jerk. Hey, do you... want to hang out some time?" 


"Do you wanna get out of here?" She smiled. 

"Sure. Mr. Barkley, can I leave now?" 

"As long as you've learned your lesson. Did you?" She nodded. 

"Speak up, girl!" 

"Yes, sir." 

"Goodbye." We got out of here as fast as we could.  

"He's so mean, isn't he?"  

"Definitely. It's hard to believe that he was Mrs. Barkley's husband." Then I explained to her about how she was teaching here before. 

"How did she die?" I refrained from telling her the truth. 

"Natural causes." 

"Oh." We continued to talk as we walked home, then we saw him Jason. 

"Hi Jason," I greeted nervously. He kept a calm composure, but didn't look happy at all. 

"We still need to talk, Ella." I glared at him & yelled," I thought we've already talked about this!" He pushed me hard on the ground. Slowly, I got up. I saw Rachelle fighting Jason!  It looked like she was winning! I walked over to him. Jason was bleeding on the ground & Rachelle & I just laughed. That attracted a crowd. Jason got up & glared at me hatefully. 

"That's it, Ella! You've crossed the line! I'm going to get back at you, & you're the one who will suffer, & I will be laughing!" When he finished, he stomped off. I remembered the note from last night. I gulped. And now I've dragged my new friend Rachelle into the situation. Rachelle looked at me worried. 

"What's wrong?" She asked. I just shook my head. I knew exactly what was going on. If I were to save myself from Jason, I'd have to do it with Rachelle. Now I had a new goal in mind.

'Kill Jason before he kills me'.

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