Chapter 1

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"Ella, you've won the spelling bee, 10 times in a ROW!" Mrs. Barkley, my homeroom teacher exclaimed. The other kids looked defeated, hurt, and mostly jealous. I walked to my cubby to get my stuff to go home. A girl walked up to me and in my face.

"Hi, Ella," she mocked. I frowned.

"You did a really good job with the spelling bee and stuff. I wish I won that award," she muttered, obviosly jealous. I sighed.

"Maybe If you studied more, you would've won," I snapped. She glared at me.

"Who do you think you are?!? You're as good as any other kid in the classroom, ya know."

"Only smarter." She pushed me and I fell to the ground. I quickly got up.

"What'd you do that for?" I asked.

"You think you're perfect just because you won a stupid spelling bee 10 times in a row." I dusted myself off.

"If you think the spelling bee is so stupid, then why do you bother trying?" She pushed me again, but I managed to stay on my feet this time.

"Because, I used to be Mrs. Barkley's favorite until you started doing better than me!" she cried. I smiled.

"Its not a big deal. You'll have many teachers in middle school and in high school. 5th grade is not very important-"

"Shut up! You think you're so smart?" I chuckled.

Well, I AM. I have a really high I.Q."

"Then why are you here?" She hissed.

"Because, I am. I belong here, don't I?" The school bell rang. I slipped my bookbag on my shoulder and headed outside." You wanna come to my house? Its getting cold." I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. "No tricks, okay?"

"Sure, sure."

We headed to my house and went through the back door towards the basement.

"Why are we taking the back?" She asked.

"Because, my mom rather'd me use it ( if that makes any sense)." Dosen't matter; she wouldn't live very long anyway. I brung her to a cold metal bed with a few scratches on it.

"Lie down," I commanded. She backed away.

"What're you doing?" she questioned. I forced her to the flat surfaced bed.

"Were playing a pretend game," I lied, laying her down on the bed and tied her arms and legs down. Then I bandaged her mouth and I slapped my gloves on. She started to panick and squirm. I picked up my bowie knife and i touched her skin with it. She started screaming.

"Don't worry. It won't take long after I'm finished with you," I chuckled. I dug my knife into her eye socket. Blood started to drip out her sockets and I did the other one. She started moving like crazy and I shushed her." Don't worry. I'm almost done. I took a long butcher knife and literally cut her down the middle and removed her intestines like a noodle on a fork and put them in a jar. Then I took her heart out, then she stopped living. When I emptied her, I cut her skin into bits and threw them away. She's gone, I muttered. I slipped my gloves off and put them in the trash. I heard mom come down the stairs.

"Ella honey, where are you?" she yelled down the basement stairs. I growled and ran up the stairs. She hugged me.

"I miss you sooo much. How was school?"

"I won the spelling bee, 10 times in a row," I told her, trying to act modest. She grinned.

"You are so intelligent, I swear! So, anything else interesting?" I thought about the the girl I killed earlier.

"Nope, nothing at all, mom."

Whatddaya think? A bit too gruesome? I'm gonna go into much more detail l8r in the story, I didn't want you guys squirming too much b4 ch. 2!Lloz, anyway, comment, vote, subscribe, ANYTHING! But don't hate, just love you guys! If I recieve at least 4 comments for this chapter, then I will continue, got it? - Itsnotcatsfault13

P.s., I may edit this, so it can be more descriptive in dialogue! :)

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