Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I lied on the couch, bored as I switched between cooking channels to cartoons. Mom walked in the room. 

"Hello, dear. What're doing?" I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm looking for something to watch." As I surfed the channels, I stopped at the news channel with a mom sobbing in front of her next to the reporter. 

"Hello, everyone. Good evening, my name is Ms. Rallis.We are here today on Barns and Adams street in front of a citizen's house who claims her child has been missing. When was the last time you've seen her, Mrs. Hannah?" She became a little less quiet and wiped the tears from her face, taking the microphone. 

"The last time I've. S--seen her was t-this morning going to school." More tears. 

"Tell me, do you think she's been kidnapped?" The female reporter questioned. 

"S-she's probably at a friend's house, I thought at first, but then she didn't come home for over 3 hours, I knew something was wrong! Oh!" She burst into tears as the camera went back to the reporter. 

"My name is Ms. Rallis and-" I turned the t.v. off. 

"Isn't that terrible sweetie? A girl just getting snatched up while walking home from school! Isn't she in your class, Ella?" Not anymore, I thought. I made a face. 

"Yes, mom. Its really sad. We were really GOOD friends. I- I just wish she was here right now!" I cried. Mom went in the kitchen.  

"I'm so sorry Ella. But from now on, I'm taking you to school. I can't risk you getting taken by a stranger too." I wiped my face. 

"Yes mommy."  

"Now go be a good girl and get ready for dinner." I nodded and walked upstairs with my head down a little.

I was smiling as soon as I got up to my room. At least I don't have to worry about that girl I murdered today. I mean, she's dead. If you're confused, I am a 5th grade (10 yr-old) murderer. Nobody knows my secret because they're too oblivious. The stupid people. Most parents expect their children to be  good. Yeah, I would say I am perfect, with just one little flaw. Eventually, people will find out, and they die. You heard me. Or killing is just my way of getting revenge. I admit it, God. I am guilty for murder. I mean, I kill people for a living and get away with it, so Hell won't be so bad. Its not my fault I had to slash their bodies up and remove their insides out with my bare hands. As I finished washing my hands, I went back downstairs to eat. Dad hugged me.

How's my sweetheart?" He asks, as always. I gave him my fake smile. 

"Good, daddy." He kissed me on the forehead and walked towards the basement to find a smudge of blood under the door, along with a gut sticking out. I gasped.

There's chapter 2! Anyway, tell me what u think about it. Constructive critisism is appreciated!:)

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