Chapter Two "I need you to do a favor for me."

Start from the beginning

"Elena." He said again. No respond from me.

"What the fuck I'm taking to you not a damn wall."

I got up and headed for the doors outside. I figured I could just chill somewhere and remind Sarah to text me when she's leaving.

"Will you just fucking stop walking and answer me! Stop being such a bitch!" He yelled back from the doors. I stopped in my tracks and turned around, angry and annoyed.

"What!" I yelled. He was annoying me so much and I had to watch out. I'm trying to get away. And he has the nerve to call me a bitch?

He ran up to me and stood in front of me. "We need to talk."

"Well, that's it? You called me a bitch for that." I crossed my arms, waiting for his respond.

"Well one, you were ignoring me and walking away from me so yeah, that's being a bitch. And two, yes we need to talk."

"Well go on, spill it." I let my arms loose and raised my eyebrows indicating for him to 'go on.'

"I need you to do a favor for me. A big, big one."

"Fine. What do I have to do?"

"Well, you need to come to my house tonight in order for it."

"Ok well what the hell kind of favor is this? Or are you just kidnapping me."

"Let's go now." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to his car.

"Wait can I just use my car?"

"No." He walked over to the drivers side and got in. He already buckled himself and started the car. "Get the fucking car now!"

I looked back and saw Robert by the door, shocked. He looked a little worried.

"No Elena, don't get in the car." He yelled.

Austin was already impatient and annoyed with me, and I said I would do him a favor. I just got in the car and shut the door. Austin stormed off out of the parking lot and back onto the road. He was going at least 65 miles per hour and the speed limit was 40. I rolled my head back on the seat and looked out the window.

"Where are we going? Are we going to the house first?"

"No we don't have time, this is very important and if I'm late I'm dead. So sit back and shut up while I focus on driving." I looked at the way his jaw was clenched. His fingers were taping on the wheel as he kept picking up the speed.

"You're going way passed the speed limit. What if you get pulled over?"

"Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up!?" He violently yelled. "Are you going to answer my question or sit there like a fucking moron." I nodded. "Good. Now please do just that."

At this point I just wanted to go home, all he was doing was yelling at me. I don't even know where we are going. Yeah, not like the house is any better either, but I just want to go lay down and sleep.

Finally, the car was coming to a stop. In the middle of nowhere? We were out in the forest and I followed Austin out into the woods, snapping branches and moving the leaves out of the way. I finally saw a shed and we headed towards over there. Lights were on, so someone had to be there.

Robert's Point Of View

No, no, no, no she couldn't have gotten in the car with him. What did I tell her? I walked back into Mindy's and went to Zach, Alex, and Sarah.

"Where's Elena? She like totally disappeared." Sarah asked me, like I'm supposed to know.

"She got in the damn car with Austin! After I told her not to! Austin's bringing her over to Sean's, because he was in a fucking hurry. I just know it." I was pacing back and fourth.

Just one girl Austin can't totally ruin her life with bringing business along too.

"You're kidding me! I even warned her too!"

I actually wanted to be real good friends with her, without her being in danger.

"Well we'll just go back to Austin's place." Zach said, setting down his drink. "Alex you live with Austin anyway."

"Let's just go now." Alex grabbed his keys and held Sarah protectively out to the car.

Me and Zach followed behind in our own separate cars and made our way to the house.

Austin's Point Of View

I opened the door to the shed where business get taken care of with our other boys. "Sean I got her!" I grabbed Elena's wrist and walked her in the shed. God does she know how to walk? "Perfect." I heard him say as he walked on in with a cigarette in his mouth. He was blowing the perfect rings of smoke and he always does. "Bring her over here Mahone." He motioned his hand and I slightly pushed Elena towards him. He took her hand and studied her carefully. "She's just right." She walked back over to me. "Why am I here?" She looked back at both of us. "Is someone going to answer me?"

"I need you for business." I stated. "Business, what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Something that involves skill. It's dangerous too, but it's what I do everyday, you'll see sooner or later." Damn all she does is ask questions. "Well you better get going, see ya later." "Bye Sean."

I walked out of the shed and back to the car. Elena got in and I drove back to my house. She was quiet the whole ride there. But it's actually nice when she isn't talking.

I pulled in the driveway and Alex, Zach, and Robert's cars' were here. I walked into the house and led Elena into my room upstairs where she'll be staying on the floor. I told her to wait in my room where I grabbed a pillow and a blanket from the hall closet and threw them on the floor.

"Uh what's this?" She was referring to the pillow and blanket I just threw at her.

"Your bed for the night. Now go to sleep."

"But where are you going?"

"None of you're business, now go to bed." I turned off the light and shut the door. I walked downstairs in the living room where the boys and Sarah were.

"Why did you take her?" Robert spoke.


"I said why did you take her?"

"Because Sean told me to snatch a girl. So I picked Elena. You have Sarah."

"No need to bring me in this. Now my life is always on the line, this isn't a good thing." Sarah protested. Alex pulled her down to the coach and rubbed her hand.

"Why didn't you just chose your little slut?"

"Casey? Oh she's a waste of my time. She ain't worth shit. Only her sex is good."

"You're a pig." Sarah snarled.

"Well at least I'm not an annoying little bitch sometimes, missy."

"Austin, that is no way to talk to my girl like that."

Whatever, I'm going to Casey's for the night. See you guys in the morning." I grabbed my keys once again and headed out the door.


When I got to Casey's I pushed her up on the bed and started to kiss her neck, making my way down to her chest where I helped lift up her shirt. Her fingers running through my hair as we helped each other strip down to our undergarments. I slipped my hands underneath her back and unclasped her bra, exposing her bare chest. She gripped to my boxers and slipped those off along with her underwear. "You ready baby?" She whispered in my ear.

"I'm always ready." I whispered softly.

And things got a little heated from there.

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