Chapter 9 | A Sorry Parker

Start from the beginning

"Ecstatic," I said sarcastically.

"-since, of course, you were begging me to help you," he finished with a grin.

"I really had to bump into two egotistical jerks," I mumbled to myself once again.

"Look, you should actually be thanking me for saving your position on the football team, so bring it down a few notches," I bluntly told him.

He frowned. "What are you talking about?"

I sighed. "Alice saw you helping me, therefore she ratted you and me out to my brother. My brother, like a loyal person, decides to not believe me."

"What!?" Blake snaps.

"Shut your mouth and listen, Thompson," I hissed.

Blake glared at me for using his last name.

"Like I was saying," I continued,"Hunter starting talking about how he was going to beat you up and kick you out of the team."

Blake was about to angrily interrupt again, but glared at him.

"I, being a saint," Blake rolled his eyes,"decided to do something rash to save your butt."

"What did you do?"

"Well, he obviously didn't believe me, even after I gave him valid points as to why you weren't with me. So, I blackmailed him."

Blake's eyes widened.

Blake's obviously never heard of someone blackmailing Hunter. Maybe it's because the last time someone did, they almost ended up in the hospital.

"He wouldn't hurt me because I'm his sister, the blackmail had to do with his girlfriend, and because he would get in big trouble with my dad."

Blake chuckles. "You've got guts."

"Thank you. Anyways, I blackmailed him, got grounded, and here we are, unfortunately," I said, mumbling the last part.

"So, if you'd like to show me your gratitude, your'e more than welcome to," I grinned.

Blake smirked. "If you wanted to go upstairs, you should've told me."

I gasped. "You idiot! I was talking about money! You are disgusting!"

"Eh, I've been called worse," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

I rolled my eyes.

Another thing about parties, since any guy could talk to me, none of them would worry about getting in trouble with Hunter. All they had to do was blame it on the alcohol.

"Crap! I was talking to our sister? Hunter, bro, I didn't know. I thought it was some other chick. I think I drank too many cups."

Or, they could say that they couldn't remember.

"I was talking, no dancing, with your sister? Are you sure? I don't remember being with Carolina. Wasn't I with Alice the whole time?"

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