Chapter 1

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"- Chloe!" It's my best friend, Alex. We've been best friends since the beginning of high school and do everything together, well, except when we are in class, cause we're not in the same. Only for the lamest of them all: history. I hate that subject so much. So, I'm 15 and in just started Junior Year. 15 and Junior Year? Yeah, that's because my birthday is in December. It's September, but in LA that means still loads of sun and walking around in shorts all day. We used to live in New York, but because of my brother getting famous, we moved here and that's how I met Alex too. Maybe it's useful if I tell you my last name: Maslow. That's right, I'm the sister of Big Time Rush's James Maslow. He's 7 years older than me and I don't mind. I barely see him, so... Yeah, I miss him sometimes. But I don't show him, altough I think he probably knows.

"- Alex, hi!" School's out, so Alex and I have dance now. I'm not so popular, but I have some close friends, that's all I need. My dance class is full of popular girls, some even laugh at me, but I couldn't care less. I do what I can and dancing practicaly is my life. I'm not doing it professional, but no day comes by without me dancing. I'm trying to get a scolarship for the Hollywood School of Arts, so I'm studying hard to get good grades so that I can get into the college of my dreams. I want that more than anything.

We slowly walked to the gym, where the dance class was happening. Everybody was already there, so we quickly changed our clothes and got into the group. The teacher was learning a new move and as alwyas, I was the first to manage is. I don't consider myself as talented, but when it comes to get the moves quick, I'm a pro. But some people don't Always take that very well. Two girls in this class Always look at me with, I don't know what it is, jealousy I think and laugh at me, even though I did never do something wrong to them. But they Always know how to ruin my day. The only reason I still come to this class, is the scolarship. I love dancing to much to give up and let that slip trough my fingers. I really need that, it's my dream.

 I couldn't get out faster when the hour was over. I hugged Alex goodbye and I took my car back home. From the ground of my heart I hoped that my parents weren't home, because I was not in the mood for the talk again. You see, my parents don't really support my choice for dancing and they have to rub it in to my mind every night. I think that it's their way from stop me going after my dream and passion, but guess what: I'm not going to let them stop me. Nobody will stop me.

I parked my car in front and walked into the house.

"- Mom? Dad?

- In the kitchen!" Oh great, they were home. I rolled my eyes and shuffled to the kitchen, where my mom was cooking dinner. I threw my backpack on the floor and took a drink out of our fridge. I wanted to start a conversation, but I didn't because there was someone else in the kitchen.

"- Jamie!" I wrapped my arms around my big brother and he took me in for a long hug.

"- I missed you litlle sis.

- I missed you too big bro." It was a week before he left for another tour, so he's coming over everyday from now on. Like I said before, he's 7 years older, but I Always have the best times with him. He makes me laugh all the time and protects me from possible danger. I can talk to him way better than to my parents. We have a great band, and I miss him like crazy every time he's out of town.

"- Well, the good news is: your brother is joining us for dinner.

- Woohoo!

- Dinner will be served in an half an hour.

- James, I have so much I need to tell you." I dragged him to the living room and we both sat down in the couch.

"- My mentor told me last week that I'm being considered for the scolarship in Hollywood School of Arts.

- Chloe, that's great!

- Yeah I know.

- Than why the sad tone?

- I still haven't told mom and dad yet.

- I see." He totally understood me.

"- You know how they are. I don't get it. You can be famous and all that you want, but I can't even give it a shot. I wanna do someting with dance James. Not being a lawyer like they want.

- Than tell them.

- But I'll get the same answer as I get everytime:' think about your future. Dancing has no future.' " I said in on a stupid voice like my mom Always does. James had to laugh with it.

"- I'll try talk to them.

- Thank you. You're the best.

- Kids! Dinner is served!" We went back to the kitchen where my mom and dad were already sitting around the table. They gave us our plates and we started talking a bit.

"- So, Chloe, your brother, dad and I have an announcement to make.

- Bring it on." I said a bit excited.

"- Because your dad and I are close to our anniversary, we thought about taking a two month trip.

- Nice. The house all by myself." This was really starting to get better and better.

"- I wasn't finished yet." Not good news. I looked over to James, who was getting guilt in his eyes.

"- What's going on here?

- Well, we discussed this with your brother and the whole band and management...

- Where is this going?

- You're going on tour with your brother!" They said fake excited.

"- WHAT?!

- Yes, aren't you excited?

- NO! I love my brother, don't get me wrong... But what about school? What about dance?!

- Honey...

- Mom, I can't drop out of school in Junior Year. I'm not going to stay down!

- We send a teacher with you.

- But my dancing... I'm in the run for the scolarship.

- Honey, dancing has no future...

- Stop! Mom, ask him, I'm actually good. I can't quit now! I need that scolarship.

- You won't get far with dancing!

- Yeah? What about Chachi from I.Am.Me crew? She's famous!

- You're not like her!

- You don't know. Cause you're never there when I perform!" I started to get mad. I stood up and smashed my hands on the table.

"- Hun, calm down.

- No dad! Why do you support James and not me?! Why can he give a shot on being famous and I can't?! It looks like you don't even care about me! Don't you care about the fact that I might be good, cause, I don't know: I'm in the run for a scolarship for Hollywood Arts?

- Chloe, you're going on tour with your brother and that's it. End of discussion!

- I HATE YOU! I HATE ALL OF YOU!" I was so mad. I cried and ran upstairs and slammed my door behind me. I took my Phone out of my pocket and dialed Alex's number. I had to talk to her.


Hey guys!

Here's the first chapter of my new fanfic! I hope you all like it and that I can messure up to your expectations after 'Friends With Benefits' ! As promised I will start the sequel somewhere trough this book too. I really hope you like this!

Okay, please don't think I'm selfish for putting my own name in this fanfic, but I see a lot of people do it, so I thought: hey, why not? Please don't hate me for that...

xoxo Chloë

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