Chapter Fourteen: Using

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When I walk in the house the first thing my mom asks me if I spoke to my brother. Really? She doesn't want to ask if I had a safe trip to the store or anything. Don't get me wrong-I love my brother and all, but when Garrett is home she's literally eating his ass. Not literally eating his ass, but like, she's stuck so far up his ass that she's basically eating it.

"Yes, momma. We spoke outside," rolling my eyes as I place the grocery bag on the kitchen counter.

"Did you change his sheets like I asked?"

"Yes, momma," I exaggerate.

Garrett smirks at me because he knows that he's the favorite and mom will do anything to make sure that her 'baby boy' is okay. He gets a kick out of watching her torture me every time he comes home.

Since Garrett arrived home earlier than we thought, we got to eat dinner earlier also because momma didn't want him starving. She kept talking about how he hasn't had a proper meal in months and she need to fatten him up with some of her good homemade cooking.

"So Gar, what's it like out there being a military man?" My mom asks him as she passes me the rolls.

He rolls his eyes because she asks the same questions every time he comes home. "It's not that different, Ma. I'm out there protecting my country and I love it."

Mom looks at him and smiles, "I know you love it. The smile on your face shows that you love it, but I want you to tell me more. Like, where were you stationed, what did it look like? You never tell us these things, Garrett."

Garrett frowns for a split second before a smile reappears in his face. It was so quick I barely caught it. "Well, I was stationed in Hawaii. The pineapples there so great, y'all. They taste much better when you actually let them ripen on the tree and you know how much I love pineapples."

"So what's the weather like down there?" I ask deciding to join the conversation.

"The weather is great. It's never cold. The weather doesn't go under 70 degrees."

I nod and continue to eat my food. My mom decided to further the conversation with more questions.

"That's great Garrett, but what about the military part. I want to know more about that. You're the only person I know that is in the military. I want to know things so I can share them with my girls on our night out."

What she really means is that she need something juicy to brag about to her friends. Her and her friends rarely ever hang out unless they got something to brag about to each other.

Garrett scratches the back of his head. "There's nothing really to talk about. The military is basically like what you see on the TV. There's nothing I could tell you that you don't already know about."

I'm confused because I've taken notice that over the past three years whenever we ask him about something in the military he either gives us really vague answers or says that he doesn't want to talk about it.

"So you don't have any stories to tell us. Nothing interesting happened down there? No funny stories with your friends or anything?" I was curious as to why he doesn't have anything to tell us.

He shook his head no and continued eating as if it was nothing. My mom shoos me off and tells me to leave him alone. She would believe anything that came out of his mouth, to be honest.

After dinner I go up to my room because I'm hella tired from all the cleaning I had to do today.

About thirty minute later there's a knock on my door. "Gabs, it's me."

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