Chapter Eight: Murderer

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"Are you guys ready for your check?" Our waitress, Eliza, asks once she sees that were finished with our food.

I nod my head and look at Sebastian pull out his card to pay for our meal.

"You better leave her a big tip for the ruckus you caused," I stated.

He rolls his eyes and gives me a mean mug, "The ruckus I caused? The disrespectful piece of shit was trying to flirt with you in front of me."

"It's not like we're together. Chill."

Sebastian's jaw clenches as he glares at me. Letting out a deep breath, he shakes his head, "Oh, so that's how you feel?"

I stare at him in confusion. The fuck does he mean is that how I feel? He already knew how I felt. He knows that I'm not sure if I want to be with a gang leader. I'm not about that life. I'll be damned if he thinks I'm going to die for him.

I don't even answer his question. I just get up and tell him that I'll wait for him by the car and walk out of the restaurant. I hear him scoff as I leave, but I don't look back or comment. I don't have time to be childish.

Outside there was a group of three men examining Sebastian's car. I think nothing of it because I know that his car is the type that men go crazy for, but once they started talking about Mendez I knew something was up.

"Yo, isn't this Mendez's car?" One pointed out to the others, "Yeah. This is his shit. I'd recognize it anywhere." The man looked to be Latino with several tattoos on his arms and a couple on his face.

One of the other men walk over to the car and examines it closer. He was a black man, a bit bulky. The type of look men get when they get out of jail. "This belongs to Mendez alright. That means he's here."

The Latino nodded. The last man was black also. Light skin with dark brown eyes. He's regularly built. Not too much muscle, but enough to know that he could put on a good fight. He was starting at me the whole time.

God, what's taking Sebastian so long? This man is starting to make me feel uncomfortable. His intense gaze on me was making me anxious. He began walking towards me as I awkwardly stood there trying to find interest in my nails.

"Gabrielle?" He asked.

Oh, no. He knows my name.

My eyes widen as I gasp and take a step back, "How do you know me?"

He smirks while giving me a devilish look, "Don't worry about that sweetheart."

Oh god, where is Sebastian!?

The other men notice that he is talking to me, so they step closer to us.

"Yo, Cliff, who is this sweet thing?" The Latino asks.

"This is Gabrielle. The girl that's been seen with Mendez," Cliff says.

The Latino licks his lips and stares me up and down, "I'm sure Mendez wouldn't mind if we borrowed her for a bit."

"I-I'm pretty sure h-he would," i stutter. I'm scared as fuck right now. I'm about five seconds away from being kidnapped and raped and Sebastian is still not here. What the fuck is he doing. I know he should be done paying for our food by now.

Cliff smirks at me again, "You nervous?"

I nod my head faster then the speed of light. He takes a couple more steps towards me knowing that I can't go back anymore because my backs against the wall of the restaurant.

He bends down so his mouth is at level with my ear, "Don't be nervous, gabby. We won't hurt you...much."

Oh my god, I'm going to shit myself.

The two other men crowd around me also. One on my right, one on my left, and Cliff was in front of me.

"I'd advise y'all to move away from her or someone is dying." We hear.

We all turn to the direction of the voice and see Sebastian standing there leaning against the exit door with his hands in his pockets and a calm look on his face.

How long has he been there and why is he looking calm when I'm about to get kidnapped.

The men back up and raise their hands in a surrender motion.

"Mendez, man. We weren't doing anything. Just having a chat with Gabrielle here. Right Gabrielle?" Cliff says.

I nod my head in response, not finding my voice to speak.

"Gabrielle," Sebastian says while looking at Cliff and the other guys, "get over here. Stand behind me."

I hesitate before fleeing to Sebastian's side. I stand behind him just as he asked.

"Cliff, Boyd, Marc. Nice seeing you boys. What has it been, a year? Funny that you're showing your face after stealing my products and fleeing. Then you have the audacity to come come back and try to corner my girl?" Sebastian laughs. It wasn't the laugh he does when something's funny, but the laugh he did was sinister. Nothing I've ever heard from him.

By stealing product, did he mean drugs? That has to be it. It seems like they were apart of his gang, but stole from him and ran like cowards when they found out they had been caught.

"I should kill your scum asses," he says.

"Chill, man, look. We'll pay you back. W-we just didn't have it right then," Marc, the Latino said.

"Yeah, man. We'll pay you back," Boyd chimed in.

Sebastian glared at them before pulling a gun out, "Too late."

I screamed at the sound of the gun going off and closed my eyes.

Pow. Pow. Pow.

Opening my eyes, three bodies lay dead in the parking lot of Big Burgers.

I start hyperventilating and cling onto Sebastian. You can see people in the restaurant with faces of pure shock and fear. Some are on the phone and I know they're calling the police.

Sebastian drags me to the passenger seat of his car because I wouldn't move on my own. I was stuck in shock.

Once he got into the drivers seat I let out my sobs. "You killed them. You're a murderer. You're a murderer!!"

He started the engine and started driving. Still sobbing in the passenger seat, I wipe my eyes trying to calm down and keep my vision from getting blurry.

He parks on the side of the rode, gets out of the car, and walks over to my side. Opening my door, he pulls me into his arms, "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to do that in front of you, I really didn't, but if I had let them go then they would've came back looking for you or told people that I let them walk away and made me sound like a bitch."

He rubs my back as I cry into his chest. My cries calm dies down and breathing gets lighter.

"I'm so sorry, Gabby." He kisses my forehead and puts me back in the car. Once he's in he starts the car again and takes off.

"I wanna go home," I mumble.

"Our day isn't finished yet. I have things pla-"

"Take me home!" I yell. I don't have time for his shit. I don't want to be around him.

Once he pulls in to my driveway, I bolt out of his car.

"When can I see you again?"

"Never," I say. "Today is the perfect example of why I didn't want to be with you. I can't handle your gang and whatever comes along with it. I thought I was going to be kidnapped today, Sebastian! Kidnapped! But in the end I witnessed three people get killed... I just can't handle that."

I walk into my house and shut the door behind me, leaving Sebastian standing outside.

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