Chapter Four: Baby

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"Do I look okay?" I give a full turn towards Tamara.

"You look fine as fuck," she says giving me a thumbs up.

Turning back to face my full body mirror, I give myself one last check over. I have on a pair of blue Levi's Jeans and a simple purple v-neck t-shirt with my black and white printed cardigan because it gets chilly at night.

I walk over to my bathroom and start working on my makeup. I do my simple everyday makeup of light gold eye-shadow and liner, but today I feel like I need to be perfect, so I put on foundation and powder to make my skin flawless.

Walking back into my room I find Tamara using my phone, "What are you doing?"

Giving me a smirk she shakes her head, "Nothing."

I walk up to her and snatch my phone from her hands as she laughs. Reading my screen I see that she was texting Mendez.

From Mendez: I'll be over in 30 mins. ☺

Me: I can't wait.

From Mendez: Someone seems eager?

Me: Very. It's all I've been thinking about.

I gasp and slap Tamara on the shoulder. I can't believe she sent that stuff to him.

"Why would you do that!? Now he might think I like him!"

Tamara rolls her eyes, "Girl, I know that you already like him, so give this good girl act a rest. I'm helping you out."

Good girl act? This isn't an act. Yes, I think he's attractive, but I don't like him. He's too much for me to handle. I don't know how many times I have to tell Tamara that I can't date a gang leader. We've all seen the movies. I might end up dead from being dragged into his lifestyle. But here I am, about to go on a date with Sebastian Mendez because my best friend made me and I'm too afraid to turn him down.

I don't even respond to her. I just walk to my mirror and put my hair up in a high bun because I'm sick of my wild curls being in my face.

I walk downstairs just as my mom walks in the house. Oh shit. If she finds out I'm about to go on a date with Mendez she will literally kill me.

"Momma, I didn't know you were going to be home tonight."

She drops her work bag by the door and gives me a hug, "I got off early today. I thought we would do something together tonight."

I hear Tamara coming down the stairs behind me.

"I'm sorry, momma, but I have plans for tonight."

"With who? Tamara?" She says, "She can join us, too."

Tamara laughs from behind me, "No, she has a hot date tonight."

My mom gasps and smiles, "Oh, you have a date. With who, may I ask?"

"Um," I fidget, "Just some guy I met."

Tamara smirks at me and chuckles knowing that I was lying. I give her a look telling her to shut up.

"Mhm, and I assume that you don't want me here when he comes to get you, right?" My mom says.

I nod my head as she laughs, "Alright. I'll take myself upstairs then." She goes upstairs and once I hear her door close I let out a deep breath.

"Thank God. I didn't want her to kill me when she saw that it was Mendez standing at the door," I say as I go to the couch to take a seat as I wait on Mendez to come over.

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