Chapter Ten: Okay, I'll Take the Risk.

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It has been two weeks since I last spoke to Sebastian Mendez. He never tried to get in contact with me or anything. Like, I know I told him that I never want to see him again, but I didn't really mean it. I was mad and wasn't really thinking straight. I mean, can you blame me, though. The guy that have feelings for is the leader of a gang, and to top it all off, he killed not only one or two-but three people in front of me. That's something that would have me saying all kinds of things.

To be honest, the first couple of days without seeing him made me happy because I felt like I was getting over him, but as the days passed I realized that I like him way more than I thought. I like how he made me feel and it began to feel weird not having him to talk too anymore. I just wonder why he hasn't tried to contact. Everyone knows that us women are emotional and say things in the heat of the moment.

"Why don't you just call him, Gabby, damn. I'm tired of seeing you all down and unhappy. It isn't right," Tamara mean mugged me. She's been trying to get me to call him for the past two weeks.

I roll my eyes and tell her the same thing I tell her every time she asks, "No. Like I said before, I can't be the one to call him. I told him that I never wanted to see him again and I would look like a fool if I just up and called him. He would probably rub it in my face or something."

"Well, if anything you should be happy that he actually listened to you when you said to go away, a lot of guys don't listen."

I glared at her and shoved her into Spencer, her boyfriend, "That's the point, Tamara! I want him to be like other guys and not listen to me when I tell him to leave."

Spencer laughed at me. "Stop laughing at me, Spencer," I said, "You know what, you're a man, tell me what he's thinking, like, how is a man's thought process."

He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "I don't know, Gabs. Most guys already know that when a girl is in an emotional stage and tells them to go away that she doesn't really mean it."

"You know what? I got you girl, I'm gonna call him," Tamara grabs her phone and dials his number.

"What? How the hell did you even get him number?"

She holds her hand up, signaling for me to be quiet as she listens to the phone ring, "I stole it out of your phone a while ago because I knew you would never call him and I would have to do it for you."

"Hey is this Mendez?" She says into the phone.

"Put it on speaker," I whisper and lightly slap her on her arm.

"Who's asking?" He said.

Good God, this was the first time I've heard his voice since what went down at Big Burgers. It stills makes me feel some type of way.

Tamara glared at the phone, "First of all, there's no need to be rude. Secondly, this is Tamara, Gabrielle's friend."

"Oh, the loud mouth girl? Alright, then yes, this is Mendez. Is there anything that you need?"

She cocked her head to the side and mouthed to me 'Did he just call me a loud mouth? Oh Hell no.'

She cleared her throat and rolled her eyes, "I'm calling to talk about Gabby."

He was silent for a minute and then sighed, "Look, I wanted to call her, but I was trying to give her some space."

"Well, I think you need to call her right now. She won't admit it to you, but she misses you a lot, so I think that y'all need to work on each other and figure something out."

"I know, man. To be honest I haven't talked to her because I don't know what to say. I think it's easy to tell that I've never been in a relationship; I've only had hoes, so I don't know what to do in situations like this."

Tamara looks at me and lifts her eyebrows up while giving me a small smile. I can't believe he feels that way about me. Now I know that his feeling are very genuine towards me.

"Did you wanna talk to her know. She's right he-"

"No!" I cut her off before realizing that I yelled that and that he can obviously hear me. Oh my gosh. "I mean... I just don't want to talk to him right now. I'm not ready," I whisper.

"Gabby?" I hear him say on the other side of the phone. "Yo, Tamara, can you give the phone to her right quick, please."

I shake my head no feeling my all my nerves in the pit of my stomach. Grabbing the phone from out of her grasp and holding up to my ear, I even out my breathing, "H-Hey?"

"Gabrielle? Is this you?" He asks.

"Yeah, this is me."

"I want to talk to you in private, so if the phone is on speaker, then take it off and go into another room because no offense, you're friend Tamara seems like the type to ease drop in on a conversation."

Since the phone was on speaker she heard him and smacked her lips. "You better get your boy, Gabby."

Spencer laughed and sat her into his lap to console her.

I laugh along with Spencer and walk into my bedroom so that I could talk to him in private without her listening in, because believe it or now, she's mad because she knows that it is true.

Closing my bedroom door, I speak, "I'm alone now."

"So, how have you been?" He says.

This man made me come all the way in my room just for him to ask me how I have been.


"Same, same. I really miss you, Gabby. I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but I was trying to give you some space."

"Yeah," I whisper.

"What's wrong, babe? Why do you keep giving me these one word answers? You know I hate that."

I sigh, "I'm not purposefully doing it. I just don't know what to say."

"Tell me how you feel, then. Keep it real with me. Last time we spoke you were cursing me out. To be honest I never thought you would talk to me again."

I think about what he said. Do I really want to be honest with him and tell him how I feel about everything? I might as well come clean now, I don't want anything bad to happen down the line because I was too stupid to not tell him about how I felt.

"Okay. I'm going to be honest with you if that's the way that you want it. I have feeling for you, strong feelings, but I don't think I could be in a serious relationship with you. What happened at Big Burgers scared the shit out of me and I don't think I'd be able to handle something like that if it were to ever happen again." I take a deep breath, "But a part of me does want to be with you. That part of me wants to hold you down and be your ride or die like you want me to be. I feel like we would be great together, but I don't know what side to choose."

"What side are leaning more towards?"

I run my hand through my hair and lay back on my bed, "The side that wants to be with you."

"Then take the risk and be with me, Gabby. It ain't that hard, baby. I will protect you, keep you safe from harm's way and make sure that you get all the things that you deserve."

I think about it and decide that maybe I should take the chance, I feel as if it's the right.

"Okay, I'll take the risk."


Sorry for the long wait in this chapter. I haven't had the time to write.

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