Chapter 23 And It All Goes On

Start from the beginning

        It was then that Lily received a strange call from a young girl, telling them of Margery’s passing. David wasn’t prone to displaying emotions, but the reality was that her death came as a shock to him. He tried to speak with Exsavior about it, and that’s when he learned that she was a shapeshifter.

        Wrapping his mind around something like that was tough, he felt as if his world was crumbling to bits and slowly being replaced by this gruesome reality. The way he coped with it may have not been the healthiest manner, but pushing it aside and ignoring it for later was the best David could do for himself. Someone had to have a level head in all this, but why did it have to be the new guy?

        ‘Maybe it’s because I barely know anything that it’s not affecting me much,’ he mused.

        Although logic dictated that, David knew that he was only sane because of Isabel. The first few days after the incident were the hardest. No one was around; Exsavior was dealing with Margery’s death, Mia was unconscious, his mother was overworking herself, and Isabel had been resting. It took her two days straight to recuperate all of her energy. During that time, David felt as if he would check himself into a ward. He even considered speaking to someone when he found himself having depressed thoughts. Though, he doubted that a pill would do any good, and luckily enough, Isabel did come back to him before anything happened.

       She visited daily and told him that she was doing the same with Mia, but with no luck. Lynn never let Isabel see her, claiming that she was still out cold. David could tell that it affected Isabel, but he soon realized just how strong she was. The witch wasn’t letting the past events get to her.

        A smile played his lips at the thought of her. To him, she truly was amazing. With everything to deal with, Isabel still managed to stay firm for her friends. She helped him understand the life of an Immortal, and she explained mostly everything—what the Covenant really was and what they did, how Ed was a vampire, when she and Mia became involved with Exsavior and how he was incarcerated for fifty years.

       That story was hard to process; it pained David just by thinking about it. For someone to lose their family and then be trapped alone in their gravesite is something unimaginable. David just couldn’t believe how Exsavior survived that pain, and it filled him with guilt when he recalled how he acted towards him. It made him want to approach Exsavior, but he did not know how.

        Then there was Mia’s story. She was an Angel, much like the ones you read about in the Bible. How that was possible was beyond any of their comprehension. Isabel did not know how to explain it. The only thing she did know was that Mia had attracted that powerful archdaemon. Which brought him to the other elephant in the room; Demons, like Angels, were real. He remembered how upset Isabel was for not being strong enough to detect its presence, but from what little David understood, Samhain was one powerful being. It was understandable, but Isabel failed to see it that way. He probably guessed that Exsavior felt the same way, for not aiding Margery or protecting Mia.

        That was the pattern; Immortals were strong beings and they hated failure.

        Sighing again, he heard his mother fumbling around the kitchen with the dishes. For her, he needed to be alright or at least fake it. Lily was an innocent bystander and he wasn’t about to let her know everything.

        ‘Everything…there are still things I need to know.’

        Truth be told, Isabel clarified a lot except for his werewolf origin. That was something that only Exsavior could explain, or possibly his mother. However, he heard the pacing of her movements in the other room and arbitrarily decided that she couldn’t know a thing; it was unfathomable to him.

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