Chapter Fourteen: Vegeta the Savior!

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Vegeta flew off the cliff we are standing on and landed in front of Frieza.
"Gohan, come get Goku and give him a Senzu Bean." Vegeta commanded.
"Yes sir." Gohan replied and flew towards Goku.
Gohan carried him back to everyone else and Krillin fed him a Senzu Bean.
Vegeta and Frieza stare at each other and Frieza smirked.
"Not even a Super Saiyan God could defeat me, how could you possibly win?" Frieza asked.
"Well, Frieza. Here's the thing, I can turn into a Super Saiyan as well, a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. Just like Goku just did." Vegeta replied.
"W-what!?" Frieza asked in fear.
Vegeta smirked and roared as blue started surrounded him! He clenched his fist and veins started popping out on his forehead, he growled and then he transformed.

Vegeta smirked and roared as blue started surrounded him! He clenched his fist and veins started popping out on his forehead, he growled and then he transformed

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Frieza growled and blasted repeatedly at him, Vegeta took the blast without being harmed and started walking towards Frieza.
Frieza roared and lunged at Vegeta, Frieza threw a kick at him, Vegeta dodged. Frieza quickly threw his tail at Vegeta, which Vegeta also dodged.
Vegeta then punched Frieza in the face and stomach!

Frieza slid across the ground and quickly got back up

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Frieza slid across the ground and quickly got back up. I looked at Goku and saw him recovered.
"Go Vegeta!" Goku cheered.
Beerus, Whis, Bulma and Jaco walked to everyone. I crossed my arms and stayed on the cliff I am standing on.
When Frieza got up Vegeta zoomed at a amazing speed at Frieza and slammed his knuckles deep into Frieza's stomach!

Vegeta then spun and slammed his foot into Frieza's face, sending him into a mountain!Frieza roared and lunged at him, he threw attacks repeatedly

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Vegeta then spun and slammed his foot into Frieza's face, sending him into a mountain!
Frieza roared and lunged at him, he threw attacks repeatedly. Vegeta dodged easily and then punched Frueza repeatedly, Frieza spit out blood each time he got hit!
Frieza crashed into another mountain and it collapsed on him. Frieza roared and blasted the mountain off of him.
He put his two hands up and a massive red fireball formed in his palms. He grinned wickedly and flung the attack at Vegeta.
Vegeta sighed and pulled back his fist, he growled and threw his fist at the oncoming fireball!
His knuckles slammed into the blast, and sent it going back at Frieza. Frieza dodged the blast and threw multiple blast at Vegeta.
Vegeta deflected them all into the sky and shot a blast at Frieza.
Frieza ducked, and then lunged at Vegeta. He threw attacks at a quick pace, his arms and legs a blur as they flung at Vegeta.
Vegeta dodged and dodged with no problem and then flipped away from Frieza.
"See Goku, no mercy." Whis explained to Goku.
Frieza roared and lunged at Vegeta again, he threw a punch at Vegeta. Vegeta dodged and kneed Frieza's stomach, then he spun and kicked Frieza into the sky.

Frieza crashed into the cliff I  standing on and made it collapse, I flew away and towards everyone else

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Frieza crashed into the cliff I  standing on and made it collapse, I flew away and towards everyone else. Bulma gave me the stink eye, I thought she was over what Vegeta and I did.
I turned back to the fight and saw Frieza panting for breath.
Vegeta smirked and crossed his arms.
"Well Frieza, you won't win and unlike Kakarot, I won't show you mercy. Ever since you killed my entire race I always wanted to see you dead. Now I can." Vegeta said.
Frieza clenched his fists and growled. Sweat was pouring down his body and scratches were all over his body.
He aimed a finger at Vegeta and roared "DEATH BEAM!!!"
A red beam of light shot at Vegeta, Vegeta dodged the attack with ease.
"You can't win Frieza, now die!" Vegeta roared and lunged at Frieza.
Frieza screamed and flew into the sky, trying to get away. Vegeta followed after him and caught up quickly, Vegeta went higher then Frieza and then slammed his two fist into Frieza's head!
Frieza went crashing into the ground and Vegeta landed back on the ground. Vegeta smirked and watched Frieza crawl out of the crater he made.
Vegeta looked at the few remaining Frieza soldiers and said "Die."
He shot a massive blast at them and killed them all. Frieza growled and ran towards his spaceship, Vegeta blasted the spaceship to dust.
"You won't leave, you coward." Vegeta said.
Frieza roared and started increasing his power, his golden fire around him getting bigger.
Whis patted my shoulder and asked "Torka if you'd like I could train you too."
"Nah. I want to achieve those new forms on my own, but thanks anyways." I replied.
Whis nodded and we turned our attention back to the fight. Vegeta lunged at Frieza and kicked his stomach hard, Frieza coughed up blood and crashed into a mountain. Frieza was in a hole in the mountain and then I saw him turn back to his old form.

 Frieza was in a hole in the mountain and then I saw him turn back to his old form

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Frieza opened his eyes and looked at himself.
"Oh no. My golden form ran out." Frieza said.
Vegeta walked up to him, Frieza fell onto his hands and knees. Frieza looked up at Vegeta.
Vegeta put his hand up, facing Frieza. A blue blast started forming in his palm, Frieza looked down at ground growling.

 A blue blast started forming in his palm, Frieza looked down at ground growling

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"Time to go back to HELL." Vegeta said with a smirk.

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