Chapter Seven: "Whis is our mentor."

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It's been a couple weeks since Goku and Beerus fought. Vegeta and Goku have been training a lot more now, especially Vegeta. Now that Goku got really strong after that fight.
I have been resting and not really training, like Gohan. It seemed like each week he was losing some of his muscles for not training.
Vegeta asked Bulma to make a newer version of the Saiyan armor.
She did and made the spandex grey, the armor parts were still the same, and the armor had better defense.
Goku decided to wear something different as well, he stopped wearing the blue undershirt, and his orange shirt was a bit longer.
Today Vegeta and Goku are going to train again, I decided to watch them this time.
Bulma started wearing a white shirt, really tight jeans, and got a haircut leaving her blue hair short.
I put on my own Saiyan armor and flew towards a forest where Goku and Vegeta like to train.
When I arrived there, Goku was alone. He was just standing there. Vegeta was in a tree, also standing there.
"Hey guys." I smiled and waved.
Vegeta and Goku turned their heads to me and they looked surprised.
"How come you guys aren't sparring?" I asked.
"..." Goku and Vegeta just stared at me with big eyes.
"What, do I got something on my face?" I asked.
"It's just that, um. Should I tell her Vegeta?" Goku asked.
Vegeta nodded.
"Well, the thing is that we haven't been training on Earth." Goku said.
"Wha? Then where do you go?" I asked.
Vegeta answered by saying
"To the planet of Lord Beerus."
"You mean the creepy purple cat who likes pudding!?" I asked in fear.
The two male Saiyans nodded and I sighed.
"Who trains you?" I asked.
"Whis does, Whis is our mentor." Vegeta replied.
"You are talking about the blue guy right?" I asked.
"Yes." Vegeta said.
"Can I come with you guys this time?" I asked.
"Sure." Goku said.
"I've caught up with Kakarot again, you proud of me Torka?" Vegeta asked.
I smiled and nodded.
Suddenly a flash appeared and there stood Whis.
"Hello, Gok, Vegeta, and Mrs. Vegeta." Whis politely greeted us.
"Torka is coming with us today, that alright Whis?" Goku asked.
Whis nodded. We all grabbed Whis somewhere and he tapped his staff on the ground. I blinked and when I opened my eyes we were on a weird planet.
The grass was a greenish-blueish color, and other than that everything was normal. Some trees and bushes here and there, a lake, and a giant tree in the middle of the planet.
"Okay boys, let's get started. Before Lord Beerus wakes up." Whis said.
Goku and Vegeta nodded and got into fighting stance, facing Whis. They then lunged at him!
Goku and Vegeta threw attacks at a very fast pace, I could barely keep up with their attacks!
Goku went on Whis's left and Vegeta went to his right. They threw attacks at Whis, Whis as always was calm and blocked every one of their attacks!

 They threw attacks at Whis, Whis as always was calm and blocked every one of their attacks!

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Goku roared and threw a punch at Whis. Whis caught Goku's punch and then he threw Goku at Vegeta.
The two crashed into the ground.
They got up quickly and lunged at Whis!
"Stop getting in my way, Kakarot!" Vegeta growled and Goku frowned.
The two threw attacks faster and faster, then Whis teleported behind Vegeta and tapped the back of his lightly. Vegeta coughed up spit and crashed on the ground, Whis then punched Goku very lightly and he also hit the ground.
"That was a nice sparring match boys. Now you two will spar with each other, and no Super Saiyan forms. Not a single one. Got that?" Whis asked.
The two nodded. Whis walked to me and said "Watch them spar, Vegeta never listens to my rules." Whis said.
Goku and Vegeta stared at each other and then they lunged at each other. Goku threw a punch at Vegeta, Vegeta blocked and then threw a kick at Goku.
Goku blocked and clenched his fist, sending it in Vegeta's direction!
Vegeta dodged it and threw his knee at Goku's face, Goku dodged and back flipped away from Vegeta to put some distance between them.
Vegeta lunged at Goku, Goku threw a punch at Vegeta. Vegeta dodged and flew up in the sky, Goku followed after him and they started delivering, blocking, and dodged attacks at a rapid speed!

 Vegeta dodged and flew up in the sky, Goku followed after him and they started delivering, blocking, and dodged attacks at a rapid speed!

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They backed up from each other and Vegeta smirked. He crossed his arms.
"So I've finally caught up to your strengths Kakarot." Vegeta said.
"That's great! Now we can have better sparring matches!" Goku replied.
The two lunged at each other again. Goku swung his foot at Vegeta's face, Vegeta dodged and swung his fist at Goku!
Goku teleported and Vegeta hit nothing, but air.
"Gotcha!" Goku yelled and appeared behind Vegeta.
He swung his fists down at Vegeta, Vegeta quickly turned into a Super Saiyan and dodged Goku's attacks easily.
He then punched Goku in the face, sending him crashing into the ground. Vegeta went back to his normal form.
"Hey, Whis said we aren't supposed to use Super Saiyan!" Goku yelled at Vegeta.
"Told you." Whis said to me.
After they finished training, the two Saiyans threw off their sweaty clothes and jumped into the lake.
I want to swim too! I threw off my clothes and jumped in the water too.
I started laughing and splashing with Goku and Vegeta.
At one point I accidentally snagged my bra strap on a branch and it got pulled off, showing my mounds.
When it happened Goku, Vegeta, and even Whis stared.
I didn't notice until Vegeta yelled at me to put it back on. I had blushed and quickly put my bra back on.
After that incident we went back to having to fun in the water.
Soon we were done and Whis took us home.
When we arrived back on Earth, Whis had a private conversation with Goku and Vegeta.
They didn't let me hear their conversation. I got mad about it and walked home. When I walked in, I saw Goten and Trunks fighting.
"YOU TWO QUIT FIGHTING!!!" I roared and turned into a Super Saiyan.
They looked at me scared and stopped fighting.
"Sorry mom." the two said.
I walked into my room and took off my armor.
I placed it in the washing machine and put it to wash, now I was standing in my underwear.
I was about to get dressed when suddenly Vegeta appeared in our room. He looked at me and blushed, so did I.
"Torka, I need to ask you something." Vegeta said.
"Okay, you can ask." I said, I then spotted his erection through his spandex.
"Do you want that baby now?" Vegeta asked.
"Yes—" I was cutoff when Vegeta slammed me into the wall and smashed our lips together.
When I woke up I was naked with a naked Vegeta next to me. My womanhood was throbbing and my butt and back felt sore.
I sat up and went to go get dressed.

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