Chapter Twenty Four: Vegeta vs Cabba

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Cabba lunged at me, he threw attacks at me rapidly! I deflected them and countered them.
I then caught his two wrists and pulled him towards me, slamming my knee into his stomach!
Cabba coughed up spit and then I kicked him away, Cabba growled and lunged at me again!
His knuckles and feet slamming into me, his attacks hit me hard. I growled and punched his face, sending him sliding back.
Cabba wiped his mouth that had blood dripping.
"Heh. In normal form we seem to be equally matched." I said.
Cabba ignored me and placed his hands to his side.
"Galic Gun!!" Cabba roared and blasted my move at me!!
I growled and quickly threw my palms up.
The blast crashed into my palms, I growled and pushed against the blast with my hands.
"Go Vegeta!" Kakarot cheered.
Oh, by the way. Since Frost cheated they let Goku back into the tournament, so once I lose he will join.
I then blasted Cabba's blast away, he growled and we kept pushing our blast against one another's.
Cabba and I stopped blasting.
"Alright, now that we've seen we are equal in normal form. Let's use Super Saiyan." I said.
"Super Saiyan? You mean the golden hair form, I cannot transform." Cabba replied sadly.
"What!?" I asked.
"I don't know how to transform into Super Saiyan. This is the first time I've heard of it." Cabba answered.
I growled and then roared as I turned into a Super Saiyan. I lunged at Cabba and slammed my elbow into his stomach, Cabba coughed up blood and then I kicked him away.
I flew after him and grabbed his leg, then I pulled his body to me. Then I started punching him repeatedly in the face and stomach.
Cabba couldn't do anything, he was too weak.
I flung him at the ground, cracking the arena. Then I picked him up and threw him in the air, I formed a blast in my palm.
"I hate Saiyans that can't use Super Saiyan, they are a disappointment to our race!!!" I yelled.
Then I flung the blast at him, the blast exploded on him. Cabba fell back on the ground in front of me.
"I forfeit—"
I cut him off by grabbing his shirt by the collar and pulled him up to me.
"If you forfeit, I will kill you. And then I will go to Planet Sadal, and kill your family and friends. They will be slaughtered." I growled at him.
Suddenly his eyes opened widely and he growled, Cabba kicked me away. He stood on the arena and then roared as he turned into a Super Saiyan!!
Cabba growled at me, he zoomed at me and started throwing attacks.
"I WONT LET YOU KILL MY FAMILY!!!" Cabba roared as he threw attacks at me.
I parried and blocked his blows, we started fighting fast. Cabba kicked me away and lunged at me with his fist pulled back.
"DIE!!" he roared and slammed his fist into my face!
I slid on the ground and quickly got up, Cabba blasted at me repeatedly.
His blast were coming at me fast, I blocked them and then I leaped at him.
I threw my head at his, Cabba growled in pain as my forehead hit his.
I punched his stomach repeatedly, Cabba grabbed my fists and slammed me on the arena ground repeatedly. I kicked him away from me and then Cabba roared once more.
He lunged at me and slammed his knuckles into my face. Except I caught his fist in my hand.
I smiled.
"You achieved Super Saiyan. You can only get the form when you get angry. Which is why I threatened your family." I explained.
"Oh." Cabba said and his golden hair went back to black as he calmed down.
"So you purposely made me mad?" Cabba asked.
I nodded and said "See if you can transform again."
"Yes sir." Cabba said and roared as he transformed into a Super Saiyan again.
"Good. Now watch this." I said and growled as I turned into the newest form.
"This is a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan—"
"Actually Vegeta I changed the name to Super Saiyan Blue. It's a way shorter name and easier to say." Kakarot yelled at me from his seat.
"As I was saying, this is the latest form. Super Saiyan Blue, there are four forms before this one. The other forms are Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Two, Super Saiyan Three, and Super Saiyan God." I explained.
As Cabba listened I smirked and lunged at him quickly, slamming my fist into Cabba's stomach.
Cabba coughed up spit and fell on the ground unconscious. His golden hair turned black.
I walked away and the announcer yelled "Vegeta wins!!"
I walked off the arena and grabbed a pail of water. I walked back to Cabba and threw the water on his face. Cabba instantly woke up.
"Hello sir. Our planet's leader is strong and wise just like you." Cabba told me with a smile.
I turned around and started walking away. As I walked I said, not facing him "I would like to meet him one day. Keep on training Cabba, surpass me."
Cabba stood silent.
"Yes sir!" Cabba said.
I turned to him and saw tears in the corner of his eyes. I smiled and walked to the end of the arena.
Cabba stepped off the arena and went back to his team.
"Next match is Vegeta vs Hit!!" the announcer yelled in glee.
Finally I can use full power on the other team's strongest member. Hit got up, with his hands in his pocket.
Hit wore a black trench coat, black pants, and black boots. His skin is purple and he looks very calm.
Hit walked up to the arena and looked at me with his bored expression.
"The best assassin against the most prideful Saiyan. Who will win!?" the announcer asked making things dramatic.
I sighed and got into my fighting position.
"Let the match begin!"
I smirked and turned into Super Saiyan Blue, Hit got into his fighting stance too and then we started.

The Last Female Saiyan Book Two ( Dragon Ball Z  Fanfic )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora