"That was such a headache, who knew it could be this crowded." She exclaims and I giggle.

"Of course. It's 2PM they're here for."

We both go to the backstage and we rest on the lounge room.

"Wasn't that fun?" I ask and she smiles and nods. "Okay, then. So... who were you talking to in the cubicle earlier?"

"I was just talking to myself, Andie. That's all."

Oh yeah, I was the one who called out Mayomi earlier. You thought it was someone else? Hehe.

"Noona! I bought snacks!" Bambam comes in running inside and he gives us a plastic bag which contains chips and drinks.

"Yah! Give me some too!" Yugyeom comes in then the rest of the group follows.

"Oh, good. You two are safe. I thought you were lost in the crowd." JB says as he sits on one of the couches.



Good thing the both of them are safe. I really thought something bad will happen to May- I mean to them.


The fans are getting crowded and I see that Mayomi's lost.

I see her having a hard time getting out of the crowd's craziness over our sunbae.



She suddenly looks at the direction beside me and waves. So Andie called her.

I go to where the guys are, at the vending machine probably buying food again.

"Hyung, you look like you lost something, what's wrong?" Jackson asks. Maybe I did. I lost her.

"Who's her?" Did I just say that out loud? "Uhm, yeah you just did." Stupid mouth.

"Are you really okay? You look like you're going to be sick." He asks again and I just nod.

"Let's go. They might be looking for us now." Junior says and we go to the lounge.

~End of flashback~

We all separated ways and went home.

I go to my room and plop down onto my bed then stare at the ceiling.

Do I like her? But that's impossible... I think, maybe? I don't know!

Okay, so when did this happen? Flashback... flashback...

I can't remember!

But whenever I see her, this thing located in the chest between the lungs behind the sternum and above the diaphragm; the heart, my heart, it's always beating so fast.

But I can't just possibly like her, right?

From what I remember in 5th grade Science class, the heart can beat over 100bps whenever the human body reacts to something frightening, when it runs or do strenous activities, when it becomes nervous, or if they fall in lo- wait what? What am I saying right now?

Am I really falling in love with her? With Mayomi?

Suddenly, the door opens and I see Youngjae.

"Hyung! You're sweating!" Youngjae exclaims then goes out the room again. I hear him calling out the other guys.

"Woah! What have you been doing, hyung?" Bambam smiles slyly. Such a byuntae.

Junior comes in, carrying a basin with water and a cloth.

"I knew something was wrong." Jackson sits at the edge of my bed.

"I'll call manager hyung and tell him about your condition." Mark says and goes out.

"Here, hyung. Take this." Yugyeom gives me a pill and a glass of water. I drink it and thank him.

These guys can really be caring at times.

"Sleep tight." Junior is the last one who exits the room and Youngjae is already sleeping.

Aish, stupid love trying to cast a spell on me.

It won't work on me because tomorrow, I'll prove it.

I'll prove to myself that I don't like Mayomi nor do I even love her.

This heart will not beat fast and I will not react weird feelings towards her.

And when I finally proved it... then...

"Then what?"

"Youngjae..." Please tell me he didn't hear it.

"Sorry hyung, I did." Oh come on!


Sorry for not posting sooner. Someone broke my bias list and I just had to spazz about it. Lame excuse, I know.

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