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Scott_Johnson5 is new to Wattpad, not too new but he has only been on here since late June. He's a great kid who in my opinion could have his writing published one day. He honestly reminds me of Josh Hutcherson when he was younger, Scott_Johnson5 is 13 yet from reading what he wrote here, he sounds much older and I hope that others will support him on his journey as a writer as my fans have done for me. And if I might say, The Percy Jackson Series is the only series where ive read ALL the books in the series, so I can understand why Scott_Johnson5 is glued to them. Also... Directioner's please no hating, just because of what his opinion is, not everyone is crazy about One Direction, and not everyone is a "Larry" shipper... And yes, im not really a fan, I like there music, that's it, but my sister is a "Larry" shipper and "Directioner" ...we hate eachother... but please, no hating on the interviewee for his/her (in this case, his) opinion. Scott_Johnson5, I will be following you threw your journey as a writer, I hope you get far and stick with your dream nomatter how many people put you down.

1. How did you find out about Wattpad?

1. Google

2. Why did you join Wattpad?

2.  The idea of being able to share someones imagination with the world is amazing to me.

3. What is your favorite book that is not on Wattpad?

3. That would be the maze runner series. I love the thrill it gives just from letters on a page.

4. Who would you thank if you became a famous writer? Ex: Rick Riordan, C. S. Lewis, your friends/family, a celebrity, ect.

4. I would thank every english teacher that ever existed ever because without them there would be no such thing as famous writers.

5. What are three things that inspire your writing?

5. The first one would be movies. I like to write as if you were really there and for you to experience an epic story like never before. Also, other people's lives inspire me everyday in unexplainable ways. And finally, the thing that inspires me the most is knowing that I'm actually entertainging people by the thing I love most.

6. Are your characters based on friends/family/enemies in real life, if so, who and why?

6. They are based off of people that i wish existed, or i wish didn't exist. (Ha)

7. If you had to chose between reading a book or writing one, which would you chose and why?

7. Writing one because as I said before entertaining people is what I love to do best.

8. If you could be a character in any book, which book, which character, and why?

8. I would be Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings because he was a legend that I will never forget.

9. How do you come up with your book ideas?

9. I try to think of ways to blow the readers mind as best as I can.

10. How does your book writing process usually go?

10. I usually have an amazing name for a book, and say, "Now that would make an amazing book," and if I can think of a great plot to go with it, then I write it. If I like it, I keep it, if not, it returns to its home in my omniverse of dreams and thoughts.

11. Do you like writing about random things that pop into your head, your favorite books (The way you imagine them), or things that really happened/happen in real life?

11. Usually things that pop up in my head but sometimes I just do both.

12. Are you a fan of several book series’ or are you glued to this one series?

12. Percy Jackson and the Olympians at the moment, can't seem to read anything else.

13. If you could meet your favorite author/inspiration what would you say to him/her?

13. I would tell them to keep doing what they're doing and reassure that what they are doing is making a difference and it means something to people. I would make sure they know they're doing what they're doing for a reason.

14. If you had permission to rewrite a book and publish it, what book, how would you rewrite it, and give us a little summary of what it would be, including the things that you changed…

14. Probably The Lord of the Rings and I would rewrite it in a more Harry Potter type style and I would make it so all the rings must be found so that when one person wears all of them at once them and only them has the power to defeat Sauron forever. Also I would add more giant man-eating monsters forged in the underworld.

15. Name one author on Wattpad that you would like to see interviewed…

15. One of those One Direction fan fiction writers like why the Hell are they plagueing the community?

16. Who is your favorite Wattpad author and why?

16. Can't say I have one.

17. What is your favorite book on Wattpad and why?

17. Death's Bride because I love the creativity and plot twists it has.

18. How long have you been writing?

18. Ever since I tried to write a story.

19. Have you ever one something on watty awards, if so, what category, if not, do you intend to this year?

19. Nope, sure wish i have though.

20. Give us a summary of your story/stories…

20. The story that I am working on right now is called The Holy Avenger and its about is a mom telling her kid about the legendary Kraken that destroyed the Earth many eras ago and legends say that in due time an Avenger will descend from the heavens to destroy the Kraken.

***I just wanted to add that if you are an author out there and you just tell yourself you can't do it, or people say your work is rubbish, just know they started from crap to, and you have the power to forge a legend and all you need to do is look deep in that brain of yours and take that creativity, put it down in words, and say "To Hell with you haters!"

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