Part 38 Ring

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© Copyright 2014

Xavier POV

I spent the rest of the day trying to cheer Lexi up.

Even though I had managed to convince her, her actions today were the right ones, the task still remained a ruthless one to have to carry out. It didn’t feel right to continue with the party we had planned. Nothing, about this day, had gone to plan.

It still won’t stop me from accomplishing my main goals though. One of which, I decided will have to wait until morning.

I watched as my beautiful mate smiled a smile that would make a heart melt away. She was excited when her Dad came bouncing into the living room, regardless of first scowling him for revealing her birthday. Even more so when he started showering her with unwanted gifts.

I still noticed a slight cringe, I even noticed that fact that she was pausing almost as if to try and add up just how much he had spent on these gifts she’d never really liked receiving. I think the best part of it for her today was the fact that she gets to keep the Range Rover.

Though she would never admit it. 

I chuckled at how things had panned out today. How much easier it was for her to accept these gifts from her father. She must have caught unto me because she glanced my way briefly, simply to roll her eyes.

She looked happy.

She unwrapped countless gifts from pretty much everyone in the pack. The little children especially loved the opportunity to be able to make her something… Especially Claire. Chase’s sister. I watched as they beamed at each other and Lexi unwrapped a set of handmade earrings. 

‘For me??’ She was fighting back tears. I knew they were happy ones though.

Claire nodded. ‘My mom helped me with the studs. She said it was all the rage’ Claire laughed at the mimicking voice she had just done of her mother before pouncing on Lexi for a hug.

She has a way with children I will never understand. Then again just looking at her, how could you not warm to her stunning features? I most certainly did. The very moment I saw her approaching me on the staircase outside the gymnasium.


 Xavier POV

Lexi had seen everyone off around 10ish so she could go to bed. I’d imagine she was tired after the day she had. I’m just glad she warmed to the idea of a birthday ‘gathering’ today. It was the perfect way to show her exclusively just how much she meant to all of us… We love her.

I love her.

‘Thank you X.’

‘For?’ I asked instinctively already knowing the strongest possible answer.

‘Foooooorrr……… For being there for me with the whole Natalie thing.’ She coughed in the silence cradling herself into my arms as we lay holding each other ‘For being a very persistent little troll when it came to the whole birthday thing…’ 

‘Hey! No name calling. I think it went well, considering…’ 

‘Well?’ she couldn’t hold back her laughter at that one. I guess ‘well’ isn’t exactly the right word.

‘Whatever. You loved every moment of it.’ She was quiet. That much I could tell was true.

‘I love you Xavier. Even if you did kiss Natalie.’ Oh for petesake. 

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