Okie Dokie have an announcement

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Before announcement also have this rly cool picture I took yesterday. Gettysburg is defiantly a recommended trip!

So I think I should probably take a bit of a break from uploading daily, bc I really feel like my writing is just getting worse and worse.

As much as I love it and am probably gonna still upload a lot, I just don't wanna make y'all suffer with crappy writing.

And the whole fact that I finished Hello Diary, started Wishes, went directly to Growing Pains, started Little and Big right after that (deleted Growing Pains bc even the first two chapters were horrible), finished L&B and started working on Lockers... I haven't taken a break in months 😂😂😂 (I updated those all everyday or multiple times a day)

Soooooo yeeeeeeeeah

And I'm on vacation to do like yea


I'll probably see u real soon cause my self control is v v bad

Also, not related to the topic, but for cool photos of my trip follow @/godceffa_11 on Instagram

And for cool lil me @/ Connorwearshats





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