Scavenger hunt

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   A few minutes later my phone is being pulled out of my hand and a blindfold is over my eyes.
  "Baby it's ok, it's just me I'm going to suppose you for our date!" Scott says while walking me to the car. I giggle and go along with it because who doesn't like a little suppose in their life?
   "So can I have a hint to where we are going?" I ask waiting for a answer. There's a long pause before I realize that Scott isn't in the car. My instincts tell me to pull off the blindfold and look for him, but I just sit there hoping he'd form back soon.
   It's to quiet in here! Without taking the blindfold I lean over and start to play with the radio. Even with my eyes covered I still manage to find a station that's playing the queen Bey.
   As I'm jamming to 7/11 I hear the car door open and close. I feel Scott's eyes on me, but then I hear his breath close to my ear.
   I shutter at the feeling but he starts singing very loudly. I jump freaking out before glaring at him through the blindfold.
  "That was so loud!!" I yell looking at him at him. He taps my nose and starts driving again. Soon I fall asleep....
I wake up to find myself on q bench with no one around me. My first reaction is to frantically search for Scott, because he is my priority...and my date. When I don't find him I start to look around to notice that I am in a city where I've never been before. A note is tucked under my foot. I scramble to open it, I read it over and over again.

Hey Mitchie!
Don't freak out, this is going to be cute. You may want to know that you are on a bench in a park where you will find me. But first you got to find the clues!! Your first clue will be by something very clean.....
A scavenger hunt, interesting. Now something very clean? My best option is to wander around the park. I spot a bird and I hold my hand up to block the sun and watch it fly over to a bird bath.
   My eyes travel down the block or wood it's placed on to see another note laying on the ground with a stone in top of it. Ohhhhh clean. Bird bath, I get it. I reach down and unfold the letter.
Hey Mitchie!
Do you get it? Because it's a bird BATH. I know I'm very original, so this next clue is based around you. You are so pretty and love to wear very nice colorful clothing. So the next clue is based around you! Go and find it!
Based around me? Such a sap, but a sap that I am looking for. I'm determined to find this boy if it's the last thing I do.
   I try to find a map having no luck when I see a brick wall covered in colors with a face in the middle. It's a beautiful work of art I must admit. I realize this is what I was looking for and run over to find and piece of paper taped to the nose of the face.
Hey Mitchie! (I like that nickname)
You found this already?! Slow down. That is a major hint for this next one, so that's all you get. Good luck!
This boy is so mean! I am really bad at guessing and he knows that.
I look around helplessly, until I notice something shiny. I mean it probably shouldn't distract me but I really want to go see what it is.
  I head over noticing that it's a tin on the side of the road. I go to pick it up and bring it over to the trash can. I can be very  aware of germs, but this was just not meant to be, people litter to often. I usually don't pick people's trash up... But I'm just trying to give myself more time to think about this one.
   I've come to the conclusion that I have no idea what it is, my best bet is just to wander around and hope for the best.
   Near the road I notice a slow down sign! Wow that was so simple only I could mess it up. I run up and sure enough there a pink paper wedged in between the sign and the pole. I unfold it quickly and read it hoping this is the last one.
Hey Mitchie!!
You found it! About time you were going so slow! Haha do you get it? Well this is the last one so you can find me! I have been waiting, I've have a little surprise for you!! You will find me high up, and surrounded by trees! Come find me!
  After all of that he's making me do a hike. I start heading down a path hoping it's the right one considering there were 2. I start to wonder what could possibly be planned up there. Maybe another cat is up there. Oh my god! That would be so cute for Wyatt. But it would have to be a boy, because Wyatt is just like his dad's and I want him to be happy.
  I reach the top of the hill, I find a meadow with a beautiful set up. There are lights, and candles, and food. But my attention is on the gorgeous boy that stands in the middle of it....

Hey babes! I'm back as you can see, sorry if you missed me but I had way to much going on. But I have the next one written already! I'm sorry we didn't get to the date, but I'm happy you read this anyways! Remember to share this with people, and over all I love you all!! Bu-BYE!

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