16 - He changed..

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Hey, guys! Guess who's back? :)
I have a lot of dance competitions and stuff, like this week. But I will continue this book!:)

Here is some.. sadness.. fluff...? :D
I didn't wrote a chapter like this in the story.. there was never really sadness or fluff lol
Don't forget to vote and comment loves^-^

Avi wasn't the same anymore...

It's been awhile since I explained him everything what happened with Alex but alex didn't seemed to be the reason why Avi was sad.

No, he wasn't angry anymore..
He wasn't angry that Alex kissed me or something.. No..

Since a young women with brown hair and glasses talked to him on the school campus he was sad..

Sometimes he started crying in our lessons or just stared at the desk silently, ignoring us completely. He didn't talked much and if he talked it just came out as small quiet mumbles or whispers.

I wanted the old Avi back.
The Avi who laughed at each silly joke.
The Avi who was cute and gently and in in a second rough and dominant.
The Avi who seemed to be a happy person and make everyone's life better...

I shook my head, ignoring my thoughts for for a second as I knocked on his classroom door.

After I knocked again and still didn't got any answer I decided to walk in.
What I saw broke my heart into a million of pieces.

Avi was crying and curled up into a tight ball on his seat. His soft sobs escaped his lips a few times as clung tightly onto his knees.

"Avi..." I let out a deep sighed and walked quickly to him. I pulled him up and embraced him into a tight and safe hug.
"G-get a-away!" His voice was shaking and scared as he tried struggling himself out of my arms. "Shhh.." my arms tightened around him and pulled him closer. I planned a soft kiss on his beanie while one of my hands gently caressed his back. I had my other arm around his neck, holding his face close to my chest to let him let out soft cries into it.

My eyes fell shut and I frowned deeply as I heard his voice whimpered my name, muffled in my wet shirt from his tears.

"It's okay, Honeyboo..." I whispered gently into his hair and hid a soft chuckle from the name I just gave him.

My lips left a small kiss on his forehead before I pulled back, letting him step a bit away.

"A-Avi.. I dont know whats up.. but w-we can get through it, okay?" I asked him as I gently cupped his wet cheeks with my large soft hands. Slowly and gently I lifted his head up only to stare in his watered perfect green eyes.

His eyes showed soft sadness, helpless and that he wasn't the strong Avi like he was used to be..

"S-scott?" His now weak and quiet voice whispered as he stepped closer and gently gripped on my shirt for some kind of support.

"Yes, my Love?" I whispered back while my thumbs slowly wipped his still falling cold tears away.
"Kiss me.." He whispered the quietest making it hard for me to hear it.
My lips showed a small smile as i nodded my head and slowly leaned in.

Our lips connected into a slow, gently and lovely kiss.

We hadn't one like this before. Normally we were just fighting for dominance and having always this taste of sexual desaire in it.

His hands gripped tighter on my shirt to pull me even closer as I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and I still couldn't get that small smile away.

I didn't wanted to end this contact. I didn't wanted to end our lips moving in perfect slow synchronisation. I didn't wanted to end us, tasting the love of the other person.
I didn't wanted to end him, feeling safe in my arms.

I slipped my hands slowly through his soft but messy hair which was hidden under a grey beanie the I remembered before I closed my eyes for the kiss.
His hands moved up my chest, not breaking the contact to my skin, and captured my neck in his warm hands.

That's when I felt it..
That's when I felt it what would end everything..

I furrowed my eyebrows as a cold but hard object, which probably was slipped on his finger, gently slid on my skin making me getting goosebumps there where it touched.

I slowly pulled back from our perfect kiss and stared back into his eyes again.
My hand gripped his hand where I remembered the object to be and pulled it away from my neck.

Slowly and unsure I let my eyes scan his hand until I saw a silver gold ring on his Ringfinger.

After a moment of realisation I shot my head up at him in completely shock.

"Y-y-you.." I stuttered weakly and shook my head.

I didn't wanted to believe it. I didn't wanted to believe that he lied the whole time and probably has a wife or husband at home, maybe even with kids.

His eyes widened as he noticed that he had been caught up. "S-scott.. n-no-" His quiet words were interrupted by my large hand slapping angrily his cheek.

My breathing got heavier and I ignored the tears falling out of my eyes. "I hate you!" I yelled and started crying while running out of the room the fastest I can....

Ops? 😅
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Hope you liked it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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