6 - Let's play..

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Hey guys! Thank you for over 500 reads! Don't forget to vote and comment! Oh. And a new POV?

Avi's POV:

I started to breathe heavily as a smirk mustered his pretty face. He places his strong arms next to my head and leaned down closely to my face. His legs forced mine to open them a bit so he could get between my legs.

"Please, Daddy..." His voice whispered husky. He started to grind on me slowly and leaned more down to taste my neck with his perfect lips. I shuddered and shut my eyes, faking a small moan.
As he pulled away lightly I saw the smirk again as he grind harder on me.

So, he wants to play? Let's play....

I grabbed his collar and pulled him down again to kiss his lips full with hunger. I let out a small moan escape my lips, but this time it wasn't a fake one..
Calm down, Avi. Get yourself together...

"I know you want it!" He wispered in my ear. Yes I want it. But it's not allowed to sleep with students. Even when I want him... but only a bit..

He kissed my neck again and wanted to open my jeans. I pushed him away and ran to the door to close it. As I walked slowly back to him my teeth bit my soft lip and my whole body tried to be sexy. I took his hands and pulled him close to me. I kissed him again and opened his flannel shirt slowly.

My kisses moved to his jaw where he let out a soft moan. I kissed to his ear and lightly nibbled on his earlobe. Already smirking before I whisper innocent in his ear "You wanted to play.. Second point for the teacher...". I pulled back and winked at him as I buttoned his shirt up again.

He really thinks I'm going to fuck him again or beg for him. But I'm not like the others...
I'm a dragon. ..

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