Chapter 9: Bonding

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Warning: There is some disturbing and gruesome scenes towards the end of this chapter.

Alice walked into the bathroom, and stripped her clothes of before taking a long cool shower, that fight may have looked easy but by the angel Jonathan was strong, then again he was twice her age. As Alice was showering she thought of how her escape would go, I will need more runes first, I may have the speed but I need the strength and the clairvoyance. And...

Alice smiled in the shower as she remembered her mother flicking through the pages of her angel book, that was equivalent to the Shadowhunter Grey book. The portal page. She remembered it because she asked her mum about it, she said to her that it is extremely risky and that I could get lost in a different dimension forever. Well I am going to have to take the chance, aren't I? I will not be turned into a demon.

She concluded as she stepped out the shower, getting dried before walking into her bedroom to get changed into her black armoured leather clothing. She felt safer with it on, plus believe it or not it was extremely comfortable, as if it was made just for her. She slid her blue stele in her belt, a witchlight in her pocket and slid a dagger in both of her boots, so it was hidden. She took a seraph blade too and slid it in its place on her back.

Alice looked in the mirror smirking, she loved looking like this, she looked like she was prepared for everything, and in her mind, she was. She walked out of her room looking left and right, then turned right which was the way to the kitchen, she noticed that the corridor was extremely dark, instantly she put her mental guard up. Valentine warned me about Jonathan he much be a soar looser, by memory I know there is a room to the left then the right then the left again, before I had to turn right, then left, which is where the kitchen is. So Jonathan could have five chances to attack me, unless I include the kitchen then he has six.

She walked down the corridor acting as if she walked down the dark corridor every day, it reminded her of the corridor at home, the one she walked down but it was a little smaller. As she walked down the corridor she hummed softly, sort of skipping, when she heard a door open, then she felt a breeze pass her then another door close. Back to mind games huh? She thought as she carried on walking, she knew she had passed the first door on the left, she had felt the breeze from underneath the door when she passed it. Which meant he could be coming from the right.

She carried on walking, she soon felt the breeze of the next door on her ankle. She hummed, smiling softly, she heard the door to her immediate right open, before Jonathan could even move passed her, she grabbed him, and slammed him against the wall. "Just stop will you, stop with the mind games, it really is pathetic." She heard him arm himself with his sword, she instantly backed off and her sword seemed to appear in her hand. How it got there she had no idea, but she liked it. 

Jonathan seemed to be as puzzled as she was, it may have been pitch black but somehow she could see him like it was night vision, she had to have the clairvoyance rune for this didn't she? She questioned herself but she couldn't check as Jonathan was raising his blade high and thrashing it downwards towards her.

Alice rolled to the side, kicking the back of his leg as she did, causing him to stumble a little, but it didn't take him long to find his feet. Which gave her the time to get her stance right. He turned to look at her hissing, "You are a pain in the ass, Angel." He mumbled.

"It is my job as an Angel to be a pain in your ass, Demon. It is a pleasure by the way" Alice smiled, doing a little bow. Which seemed to anger Jonathan who ran towards her. In her mind Alice was calculating and watching each of his movements like it was in slow motion, He is running but as he gets closer and closer his knees are bending which means he is going to jump over me. Just like that Jonathan jumped over her, for the first time in their fight he sliced her arm, as she was milliseconds too late to defend his blow.

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