Chapter 23: Flying Home

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Sorry, it taken so long to upload; I was away on holiday then I was working a lot, but here it is I hope you enjoy.

Jace looked straight ahead for a while, he was trying to gather his thoughts, but all he heard was banging on the door, "Will someone open that door? Its driving me crazy!" He yelled, he had seen a lot, he had to have time to process.

Magnus walked to the door to remove the ward, Clary walked to Jace's side, "Are you ok?"

Jace was going to snap but he remembered that she didn't see what he did, for that moment it was just him and her in the room, he shook his head, "He hurt her so bad, then they sit at the table and talk like nothing happened, it made me sick to see her have to act like that, but it worked, I know where she is." Then what she said came to mind, I am his weakness, Jace if you can hear me you need to kidnap me sort to speak. "I think she has a pla-"

"What the hell is going on here? Why couldn't I open that door?" Maryse yells at the top of her lungs looking from one person to another from another. No one said a word, they didn't even look at her, they just looked at each other, Jace to Magnus, Izzy to Alec, leaving Clary just looking down thinking about what Alice's plan could be. "I am not going to ask you-" that is when it comes to her, "It is about this Alice isn't it? What is all of your obsessions with her? She is just a kid; she shouldn't have even been out there fighting anyways."

Jace and Magnus both chuckled unamused, they both shook their head, "Oh no, she is not just a kid at all, Maryse, she is a lot more than a kid, she is an honourable person, she is keeping her family name well." Magnus immediately taking defence of the young girl that wasn't there to defend herself.

"And what is her family name?" Maryse asks, "Does anyone even know that?"

"She goes by two family names, it depends on who she is with on which name she uses, but around us she uses Herondale; her...our father's name." Jace replies, "We know her well enough to know that she is selfless and will do anything for anyone that she loves."

"Jace? Did you use the necklace?" A new voice spoke.

Jace spins around and gulps, "Yeah she told me to use it, that it will help us locate her."

"How long were you in there for?" the voice questions.

Jace looks to his closes friends, he had no idea, Magnus shrugs, "Around an hour or two why?"

"Alessandra...why do you keep doing this to me?" the voice speaks sighing deeply.

"Who are you and how did you get in the institute?" Maryse spoke, she felt fear inside her, she didn't know why but she did, there was something about this guy.

Right now he didn't look like the angel that he was, Raziel had his white cloaked hood up to cover his face and eyes, though most people in the room knew who he was. He lifted his eyes to the woman that spoke, he let his eyes stare at her for a moment, he moves his hands either side of the inner hood and slid it off his head. "I am Angel Raziel, you and your family have put my niece in danger...yes that is right, her other name is Shadowhunter, Alessandra Shadowhunter. Luckily for you I do not have time to punish you or your son." Raziel spins swiftly but elegantly to face Alec. "If you dare to fill Valentine in that we know where she is, you will feel my wrath, I will not listen to my niece to save another Lightwoods life."

"He will..." Alec starts to stay but Raziel instantly interrupts. "Alessandra has found Jocelyn and protected her from harm: has she not? If Valentine takes Jace then that would be very stupid of him, he hasn't even seen anything of what Alice can do, if you give Valentine information I will know and I will strip you of your runes and you will be a nobody! Do you understand me boy?" Raziel's eyes flare pure gold to show how angry he is that he was being betrayed.

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now