Chapter 16: Disbelief

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Alice ran at her speed to Magnus's place, not even bothering to knock she appeared in front of him.

He looked up from his book jumping out of his skin, "Damn Alice, do you not know how to knock?"

"Sorry, your window was open, anyways, I bumped into my brother, I couldn't tell him about any of it, he was with the lightwoods, he is parabatai with the one named Alec, highly rude he is too. Anyways, if Jace comes alone tell him bits and pieces, if he has company do not tell him anything. If he comes alone or has company give him my address." Alice hands a piece of paper to Magnus with her living address on.

Magnus nodded, "Alright, what do you want me to tell him?"

Alice turned to look at the door, "Someone is coming, just don't tell him about the Raziel stuff, I'll do that when he gets to mine, tell him about his memories and that I'm his sister, you know stuff like that, only if he is alone." Then Alice jumps out the window and disappears.

* * *

Alec ran to catch up to Jace, "Where are you going?" he asked as he realised he wasn't heading to the institute.

Jace turned to glare at his parabatai, "Didn't you hear Alessandra? I'm going to see Magnus, they know each other, so I am going to find out who she is and how she knows me and your parents, and I'm doing this alone."

Izzy was now on the other side of Jace, "I agree, you should go alone, she trusted you, I bet Magnus knows who's to trust with the information too." She paused a moment, "Plus Alec made a dick move, so she hates him now, did you see the look she gave him? She wanted to murder him there and then."

"She could have tried." Alec mumbled.

Jace laughed, "Did you see what she could do? She could kill you with a butter knife, you are lucky you're my parabatai is what she said." He looks at Alec gravely, "now go home with your sister."

Jace turned down a street to Magnus's house. He knocked on the door waiting. The door opened and Magnus smirked, "I have been expecting you Jace." Magnus's eyes shifted behind Jace, "Ahh, you brought your friends? You were in for a good story too, instead you get a piece of paper."

Jace frowned deeply, "What? I didn't bring an-" he turned around to see Alec and Izzy behind him, "Are you serious? I told you go home."

Alec too frowned confused, "We are glamoured, how can he see us?"

Jace turned to look at Magnus, "How can you see them?"

Magnus chuckled, and pulled his sleeve up, seeing the rune Alice drew on him when she was 4- years- old glowing. "nicely done, kid. She never did trust the Lightwoods. Anyways shoo, I done my part."

Magnus was just about to shut the door then he hesitated, "Oh, I would never try to cross Alice if I were you, she always seems to be one step ahead, on that piece of paper is her address, she gave it to me to give to you Jace, if you intend to break in, it won't go down too well. Now go, I'm sure she is waiting for you." Magnus slammed the door in their faces.

Jace turned around to glare at the siblings, "When will you two ever listen to me?"

Alec looked dumbfound, "Hey, I didn't know that Alice done some strange thing so Magnus could see through glamour's."

Jace pushed Alec back, "That is the point, we don't know anything about her, except she is powerful and dangerous, we want to talk to her not drive her away."

Jace sighed and looked at the piece of paper, before he could read it Alec snatched it and read it;


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