"Ooh, yay! I can't wait until we get to buy wall stickers and paint and-" Liam cut off my rambling.

 "Sorry, gorgeous, but you can't be around paint," He said softly yet somehow sternly. I pouted and crossed my arms childishly.

"But Li-Li! Why?" I whined childishly.

"In case you have forgotten, but you are pregnant. Paint has fumes. Paint fumes and babies aren't exactly a good combination," Liam sighed, shaking his head.

 "Fine! I won't go near the stupid paint," I grumbled. I heard Liam laugh quietly before I was gently pulled by the shoulders into his torso. Liam kissed my forehead before resting his cheek on the top of my fluffy hair.

 "But I promise you can pick the paint and stickers and everything!" He promised.

"Okay. Let's go shopping after lunch," I huffed quietly. I started to get up but my bump was in the way. I think Liam noticed because he pushed me down softly before standing up and offering me a strong hand. I grimaced but grabbed the offered hand. I hate not being able to do things like this!

After I was pulled up and stable, I started to make my way down the hallway when I heard Liam talk. "Where are you going, love?"

"I'm going to take a quick nap. Carrying around two more is surprisingly more tiring than expected," I chuckled, rubbing my baby bump soothingly. Liam nodded and walked up to me.

 "Okay. I'll wake you up in about two hours?" He suggested. I nodded.

 "That sounds heavenly," I sighed. He smiled before pecking my lips.

 "I love you," He whispered in my ear. I smiled, loving the feeling of the butterflies in my tummy.

"I love you too," I whispered back. I hugged him briefly before wobbling down to the bedroom. I stripped after I had closed the door and as fast as I could, jumped into bed and snuggled into the toasty blankets.

  Soon,  I was falling into a deep slumber.


  I excitedly skipped into the baby store. I was stopped and gawked at the rows of baby supplies. Such as strollers, car seats, clothes, bottles, diapers, wipes, and of course, room decorations. I giggled happily before dragging my equally excited fiancé to the nearest aisle, which was wipes and diapers. I picked up a pack of infant diapers.

 I threw them in the cart and noticed Liam's confused expression. "I know I didn't get the new born ones, it's just we got so many of those. You could say I'm preparing for the future," I admitted. Liam understood and led me to the next item. Wipes.

 I threw a couple of those in the cart to and galloped to the aisle that had a big sign above saying 'Car Seats and Strollers'. I scanned my eyes over the various accessories' before deciding on a brown with little pink butterflies for Brielle with a matching stroller. I looked for a few more moments before I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Liam holding up a car seat with dark blue and black strips on the soft fabric. I also noticed there was a matching stroller too. I smiled.

  "Perfect. Now, on to the next part- stuffed animals."

 "Oh, yes. Because a room is just not complete without stuffed animals," He laughed, but pushed the cart anyways.

 "Exactly." I nodded before walking over to the shelves filled with stuffed animals. There were teddy bears, tigers, lions, giraffes, pigs, ducks, and a lot more.

"You can pick out these if you'd like?" I half shrugged at Liam. He smiled before examining each and every flushed toy. Finally, he picked up a panda bear with a cute little purple tutu and a yellow duck. Liam placed them in the cart along with the other things.

I nodded my head in approval and pushed the cart to the next aisle. Paint. I squealed quietly as I saw all the paint cans that lined the large walls. I observed each color before picking a mint green color. I lifted it up to Liam.

  "It's perfect, love." he told me. I eased the heavy can into the trolley before heading to the wall stickers. I looked at those for a while before picking out my two favorite. I showed them to Liam.

  "Okay. These are the two that I'm torn between. The jungle animals or Winnie the Pooh?" I asked seriously.

"Hm. I personally like the jungle animals." Liam shrugged.I smiled before tossing them in the cart.

  "Then its settled."


  After getting a few more things, like formula and bibs, I think we got a couple of outfits too but I honestly can't remember, we called it quits and headed to check out. We paid and completely ignored the strange looks we received from the snobby looking brunette that was running the registers.

 We loaded everything and slumped into our seats in the car. I sighed. "Maybe walking for two hours like that wasn't the smartest idea..." I trailed off.

"Tell me something I don't know!" Liam groaned jokingly before starting the car.  We listened to music the whole way home. It was quite peaceful. We pulled into the car park and I groaned.

 "Do we have to carry all this stuff in tonight?" I asked. 

"No, don't worry, beautiful. I'm way too tired to carry that in tonight," He reassured me. I nodded happily and opened my door, forcing myself up. When I succeeded, I almost did a happy dance. Almost.

 Liam grabbed my hand and led me to the flat door and pushed the key in the small hole, turning it, and making it unlock. He grabbed the handle and twisted. We walked in and Liam kissed my forehead.

 "Why don't you go relax while I cook dinner?" He asked.

 "But I should help!" I whined.

"Ni, you just walked around a rather large store for two hours. While pregnant. You need to relax." He pointed to the couch.

"Fine," I mumbled and sulked to the couch. I grabbed the big blanket that was hanging on the recliner and wrapped myself in it before grabbing the T.V remote and snuggled into the couch. I flicked the 'on' button and an episode of 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S' popped on the screen.

  I placed the remote on the coffee table in front of me and tightened the blanket on my shivering figure. I watched the show and waited until my fiancé called me for dinner.


  And behold chapter thirteen! Haha. What's up guys? Well beside the sky ;)

   So just to warn you, this might be my last update for a week. I start school on Tuesday and I need to get used to waking up early again :/


  OOH and someone should kik me ;) *hint hint* my username is itserin_45 :) I will answer everyone so don't worry! I'm not that mean! Haha.

  I guess that's it. Ha until next time!

   Xoxo Erin

Forever Yours **Niam Horayne AU Mpreg**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن