He looked back at the lake. "Naomi."


That's the girl that texted him yesterday. She was coming tomorrow.......

She was also the 'N' on that tree that had 'A+N'. How cute.

But, this doesn't have anything to do with why he hated Peyton and why he started to act different last week.

"What happened?" He was still looking down at the water.

"One night, I caught her cheating."

"Oh." I replied softly. I don't know what that feels like but I can only imagine. I don't think anyone ever deserves to be betrayed or cheated on.

"I was upset. I was also mad. I went crazy just thinking about it. After that, I slept with her but she didn't know that I knew. I intended to do what she did to me. After I slept with her, I told her I never wanted to see her again. I told her that I didn't want her in my life and that she meant nothing to me. I broke her heart just like she broke mine."

Wow. I understand, though. He was hurt.

"Wow. I'm really sorry."

"It didn't even end there. It turns out her brother found out that his sisters heart got broken and he wanted to teach the jerk a lesson. When Peyton figured out I was the one who broke his sisters heart, he swore he would get me back. But he never did."

"Peyton is Naomi's brother?" I was shocked. Peyton never told me. Plus she was coming tomorrow. Where has she been anyway?

"What did you do then?"

Aiden looked at me again. "I promised I would never fall in love again. I didn't care for other people's feelings, so I grew a reputation. I use girls and then I throw them away. I wasn't proud at first but it became a habit. However, lately I've only been doing it on certain circumstances." I was about to ask him what he meant but he spoke again. "We should probably get back."

I nodded my head and as I was about to walk off, I saw a huge bug resting on a leave. I jumped back and let out a scream.

Aiden chuckled behind me and I realized that he was holding on to me. Probably because I jumped back on him.

"Your such a girl." He laughed. "It's just a bug."

"You know I hate bugs." My second voice came out. "God, I hate them."

He continued laughing and we made our way back to the car.

Now I knew the story. But something didn't seem right. Something still didn't make sense. There was a part that he still wasn't telling me.


I had my head on Peyton's shoulder as we were sitting on the couch. His arm was around my waist and we were watching some action movie.

"What happened to you during lunch? I didn't see you with Jackson."

"Oh I was with Aiden." I replied simply.

"Should I be jealous?"

"No. Me and Aiden are just friends."

I Don't Like YouWhere stories live. Discover now