My Best Friend

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It was late, the moon had been rotating in the sky for a long time, Kiti had appeared in her fluffy robe, saying she could take over from here.

I reluctantly went to bed... Not tired in the slightest.
I pulled on a night dress and turn around and see a figure sitting on my bed, head down, a genderless human figure.
I stop dead in my tracks, my eyes wide, and my face white.
The figure starts laughing.
"SooO odd." Said the laughing figure, its voice dark and deadly, its voice changing pitches, going higher and lower during random intervals.
It looked up, head tilted, cloak secured around its neck, the hood up, its face shaded.
But sharp razor like teeth formed into a smile, it was giggling through clenched teeth, shoulders shaking with emotion.
Its smile.I took a step back, then another.
It flickered in the dim lighting before disappearing, the homicidal laughter ringing out.
It appeared seconds later, directly in front of me, leaning in, I pulled my head back, swallowing nervously, sweat dripping down my face.
It didn't touch me.
It just kept leaning in.
It's face was centimeters from mine.
It whispered, "SooO afraid... for someOne sooO GREAT."
It disappeared, and when it did, so did the laughter.
I was alone once again with nothing but silence all around me.
I walk across my room, and climb into bed, curling up in the corner staring out at the darkness of my room, terrified.
I stayed like that for the entire night.

I get up the moment the sun began to trickle through my circular windows, I went to breakfast, Kiti and Sha were sitting with two steaming mugs of coffee, discussing something with vigor. Hato was cooking furiously, knives flying as he chopped and diced meats and vegetables, fumes and steam wafted from pots and pans.

I sat down across from the two at the table.
"Good morning," Said the blue man, smiling in a relaxed laid back manner.
"Aye, what Oniisan said!!" She said, grinning.
"Oniisan?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes. We are similar, Oneechan and I." Said Sha, his long legs crossed.
"And how is that?" I ask, giving them a half smile.
"Why, we are half animal." He said, as if it was beyond obvious.
"Aye!" Said Kiti nodding, "He's a fish-man and I'm a neko girl!!"
"Ohh." I say, nodding and smiling.
Of course that's why there calling each other that.
"How long have you two been so close?" I asked a playful tone in my voice.
"Since about four am." Kiti responded smiling.
"Of course," I say, nodding, fighting not to start giggling.

I turn my eyes elsewhere and the two embrace their conversation once more.
I pick up a mug and pour some coffee. I stare down at the odd substance, unsure if I should consume it or not. I'd never tasted it...
The drink was hot.
I blew it as I raised the rim to my lips and inhaled.
It smelt nice...
So it must taste even better, right?
Three seconds later, coffee went flying across the room, from both my mouth and cup.
My crew stared.
I continued trying to spray liquid from my mouth.
"Nyx, are you okay?" Asked Kiti her eyes wide.
I shake my head furiously.
She sighed, standing, and helped me up, leading me from the room.
"Tero-kun, clean this up..." She instructed as she left.

She walked me to my room, coffee drenched my clothes, covered my face and my hair.
She sat me down at my vanity.
She went through my closet, pulling out different garments, pieces of fabric, scarves, tights, shoes, stockings and just about anything else one could think of.
She turned and looked at me, a flash in her eyes. Her grin close to evil.

She stripped me, leaving me in my bare skin shivering in the cool temperatures of my room.
She took a damp lavender smelling liquid and doused me with it. Followed by spritzing my hair with some nice smelling liquid, she grabbed my corset and secured it around me, tying the strings tightly, causing my cleavage to go skyward, my face going a bit red.
She wrapped the first layer of cloth around my waist, pins holding it in place, the cloth was silky and smooth. It was followed by a different scratchy see through material.She stopped momentarily with the layers, and she attached an odd device to my hips that held up my long striped stockings. The stockings were black and a deep shade of purple.
She fixed my corset once more, the strings seemed to be suffocating me slowly...
She added another piece of swirly black and blueish purple fabric to my waist, the see through stuff causing it to have more volume. She added a simple black choker to my neck, then had me put on heavy soled black buckle boots. She tied a long black ribbon around my waist in a limp dangly bow, and she then went to work on my hair and makeup.
When all was said and done I had black lips and darkly shaded eyelids, my hair was layered and thick, my bangs shaded my face making me look dark, sad and scary.
The perfect look for a captain.
I look at Kiti who had her hands on her curvy hips, and I proud smirk on her face.
She smiled at me in a way to make me think for a moment that she actually isn't all that evil.
We then exit the room together. Such opposites... Kiti and I. Yet we are the perfect pairing for what we've set out to do. To be pirates. To rule the sea.

We are best friends.

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