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When we had gotten off the thing of transport, the sky was now the dark color of my long hair, littered with bright mesmerizing dots and an orb of pale light, not emitting heat, but brightened the darkened area, without it we would be in complete darkness.

That I wouldn't mind... darkness hides who you are. Your true being.

At some point sleep takes over, but it doesn't last. I was awakened by a man giving orders, he kicks me when I don't respond to his foreign command. Mert says something, he glares at her then at me, then makes a gruff agitated agreement.

She gently takes my hand and leads me outside, we walk to the huge pearly building, she wipes her feet with a rag, gesturing for me to do the same. I obey. Once done we entered the first room. She leads me down a wide, remarkably decorated pass way, we enter a dark room. Mert quietly draws the elaborate drapes letting light pour into the room, reviling a huge wooden bed, adorned with plump pillows and velvet sheets, under all this something stirred.

A female with long hair and dark eyes rose from the sheets stretching, she glanced at me, I received the now common look of disgust, then at Mert, she rudely commanded Mert to do something, in which Mert nodded bowing.

This being did not deserve any form of respect, you could see it in her narrow eyes, she thought she could get anything and everything, that she was better than all the rest.

Mert walked past me and out the door leaving me with this... thing....

She averted her eyes to me, the hatred and disgust plain on her face.

She spoke.

I didn't nor couldn't respond.

She repeated her comment, then made an accusing, ignorant questioning toned comment.

I continued to stare, but before anything else could happen Mert returned, she looked from the female to me then back again, she quickly began to speak, gesturing to me.

The girl looked repulsed, making an angry comment.

She then stood walking up to Mert raising an angry hand and slapped her dead across the face.

My eyes narrowed as I look up at this female beast from under my hair, boiling with pent up rage.

I went ballistic.

In an angry voice I yelled, "Per prædictas Fatales lux vobis tenebrescens obscurabitur!"

Light burst from my being sending the girl spiraling across the room into a wall, the wall, stone, cracking at impact, the girl lay, eyes closed, blood dripping from her head, on the floor.

Then the door burst open as people came running in, Mert then grabbed my faintly glowing hand and ran.

She pulls me out of the house and into the surrounding woods, terror clearly visible in her eyes. Eyes the same shade as the canopy of color above us...

We ran for a good few minutes, the yells growing softer and softer until the where barely audible.

She crouched next to me, looking me dead in the eyes, her breathing heavy, perspiration dripping down her scalp, I on the other hand was breathing evenly no signs of sweat.

"Danger." She says hurriedly, eyes frantic, "Danger!" She repeats pointing to the area from which we just escaped.

I nod, this I understood.

She looked at me smiling softly, glad I could comprehend this word.

I nodded, and slowly, as if another part of me knew this odd foriegn language I said, "They do not frighten me."

She looks at me oddly for a moment and says quietly, "Run. Escape. They will kill you."

"I do not back down." I say, the words translating by themselves.

She sighs, "What was that back there? Do you have Devil's Fruit power?"

I look at her oddly, "Devil's Fruit?"

She nods, "A fruit that grants you a specific gift, some think of it as a curse, it also prevents you from swimming or being in the ocean."


She points to the liquid visible through the trees, "Ocean."

I nod, looking the so called ocean.

Then a loud sound rang out threw the quiet greenery surroundings.

Mert looked at me wide eyed for a moment whispering, "Run Nyx, while you still can."

Then she collapsed onto my small being, a crimson liquid I knew much too well secreting from her skull.

My eyes went wide with something along the lines of a mixture of fear, disgust, and most of all a burning anger, something that couldn't be doused.

Not even by the death of her killer.

I back away looking at the reptilian faced man, in his loose hand a smoldering object, narrow, somewhat like a 'J', vengeance. I want nothing more than to make Mert's death worth something... laying down your own life for someone you've known for less than a day isn't a common occurrence.

I shall prevail.

But I needed my life to do that.

So I ran.

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