Odd Islands and Arguments

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We dock and Kiti got an odd look on her small face, ears pressed back. 
I give her a look and wrap a hand around my blades handle, drawing it, and having it ready.

I try the locked door to a odd little shack, then kick it down with a firm foot, jumping as a voice yells from the darkness, "PLEASE!! WE MEAN NO HARM!!"

I raise an eyebrow and say in my low, confident accented voice, "We mean no harm, we just request a place to stay while our Log Post resets..." 
Then a heavily bandaged figure steps from the darkness, his eyes studying my long sharp blade.
"Please...swordmaster, don't hurt us.." He whispered, and I looked at my sharp, deadly looking blade, and re-sheath.
"I apologize, we just need a place to stay."
"Just you two?" He asks, and we nod.
He studies me and Kiti for a moment more then bows, "Welcome ladies, to Whiskey Peak." an odd tone in his voice.

"WAKE UP NYX!!" Yells a neko's voice, grabbing me by the back of the cloak, and suddenly I begin to shrink, I look down and see black and white fur instead of skin, I blink, their was a white feline with green eyes who had me by the back of the neck, running like the devil was on her tail.

We land on the ship, and she announced it was time to set sail.

I pop into a human form and begin to set sail.
Once we were away from the island, I ask, "What happened back there?"
"Lowly thugs." She says, rolling her eyes, her long nails dragging through her pale wavy locks.
"Oh." I say, adjusting my outfit, which had reformed in a lopsided way. "Did the Log Post reset?"
"Affirmative." She says lazily paging through the newspapers.
She then heaves a large breath.
"What?" I question, not having looked at the news in several weeks.
"This kid." She said, turning and presenting the article next to it a picture with bored laze.

I scream.

I had a huge grin on my face hugging the papers screaming, "HE DID IT!! MY LIL BROTHER DID IT!!"
She raised an eyebrow at me and said, "'Scuse me?"


Her other eyebrow raised. "You're kidding!" She says angrily, "Is there anything else you'd care to mention considering I of all people teamed up with you?!"
"I have two-" I stop myself and then restart the sentence, "I have another brother."
"And what famous pirate is he?" She says sarcastically rolling her eyes.|
"Fire Fist Ace." I reply honestly.
Her jaw hits the deck.
"What? You asked." I respond, slightly defensive, "And who said I teamed up with you?! You've been bumming off of my ship since yesterday!!"
"BUMMING?!" She screeches, veins popping, outraged,
"You heard me." I reply, in my quiet accented, now angry tone.
"BITCH!" She hissed, lunging forward, her nails like claws, my sword out in seconds.
When the razor sharp claws hit the metal, sparks flew, as I skid backwards, my face emotionless.
A battle as seem to arisen.

And I have no other choice but to fight back.

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