Finding the Truth...

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I walk around my huge half oval room, decorated with black, purple and blue paint, furniture, and weapons. I colapse into a chair, covering my face with my hands.
I yearned to find them... but they left me.
Because they didn't think I'd be able to survive.
I would be in the way.
So they left me in that cave.
To survive all on my own, when I didn't understand the aspects of this world. The chances I had of dying were very high. If Shanks hadn't of saved me I would be dead.

But he did.
And even with all these things... I still want to reunite with those pirates, the group of kids who saved me, then left me for dead. I should hate them.
But I don't...
He stopped me.


I shouldn't be associated with him either...

I saw him before.
With the blue haired girl.
When my name was yelled by my former 'captain'.
The boy who was supposed to make me his queen...
He was battling him.
And if that vision, dream or hallucination rang with any small sign of truth, Law would know. Yet, how would I know who's friend or foe?
And if I asked, would he tell?
Furthermore, did they want to be associated with me once more?
The strange girl who popped into their lives and out just as fast...
Would they remember? Or care?
Or want to be with me again...
Now that I know how to fight, how to kill, how to survive.
Now that I know how to be a pirate...
Will they want me back?
I stand, expression firming. I am a pirate...
A pirate!
I can fight!
And if they reject me... oh well! It's not like it's the first time!
I shall find them...
Starting as soon as I can...

I stick my katana into my dresses self cut slot and open the door, rushing out, my dress rippling as I walk with a slightly firm, serious and quick steps. I jump from the railing of my ship to the top of the yellow submarine. I open the hatch and slide down the ladder, Bepo and Penguin looked at me, mouths hanging open in surprise by my sudden entry. 
"Where's your captain?" My voice firm and serious, not in its usual quiet tone.
"I-in his office, ma'am..." Said Penguin, watching me with wide eyes.
"Valdis!" I say as I take off down the hallway, "Call me Valdis!"

I swing open the door of Law's office, and he looks up, his face angry, then he saw who his visitor was and his eyelids lowered and a coy grin spread across his lips.
"Back for more I see..." He says, looking at me with a glint in his eyes.
"I'm not here for your games." I say, my heart thumping wildly in my chest, "Law, I need you to tell me something!"
His come-hither look was unfailing as I stare at him, shaking, afraid and excited at the same time.
"And what may that be?"
"Law, how are you associated with Eustass Kid?"

And that's when his expression drastically changed...

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