Golden Lights Once More...

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This was way too common.
The second time, in less than two weeks, have I blacked out for some strange unexplainable reason...

I, again, was paralyzed with the exception of my heavy eyelids, which fought much to hard to open, but I finally managed, met with the bright blinding rays of golden light.
The woman met me once more, she seemed even more angered than the last time we brushed pathes.
"You see!!" She seemed to shake with anger, "You are merely too stupid to comprehend your consequences! Their leader, she's growing stronger by the minute, yet, you hinder to take action."
Their leader?
I hinder to take action?
Why must this be so confusing?! Why does this, somehow, have to do with me?!
"They will rise. And you must choose who you'll let fall." Her voice was tinged with such darkness, the venom from it seemed to seep into me. "Think Nyx. Who will be the first..." Her voice dies out at the light fades, leaving me in the darkness, drenched in layers of sweat.
I heard distant scream coming from somewhere in my mind... like forgotten memories... the blackness around me began to spread, leaving me somewhere in the dimension of my mind.

The face of a girl, blond hair and vivid green eyes, filled my cloudy vision. She wore a torn black dress dripping blood, so much blood I couldn't decipher between what was her's and not.
Her eyes were bedded with tears of blood.
My body, I somehow, instinctively knew, was young, very young...
She shook me violently, screaming, words I couldn't understand through the sounds of the last screams of dying creatures.
She stopped screaming, her bottom lip trembling violently.
I felt heat, coming forth in strong waves, coming closer...
She pulled me close, her blood tears staining my once white dress even more so.
As I look at her back, unable to move watching with a strange look, a single feathered wing, inky black, dripping blood and feathers, a long rigged line of ripped flesh gushed blood, fire licking less than a foot away from her back.
"Please remember!" She whisper, in a tear ripped voice, before pushing me back, and my small body begins a descent down, with no signs of slowing as my vision blackens. 

The odd dream like memory? fades, leaving me in the utter darkness once more.
I lay in silence for a few minutes, waiting for something, anything at all to happen, my paralyzed body not helping.

Then my breath hitches and eyes widen as a voice rips out.

A voice I could recognize, no matter his age.
My eyes then saw him.
He was so different.
But I knew, he could never change some things.
His unruly hair, that was still red, and went in all directions, and in the oddest ways, his hair seemed to match his first mates equally unmanageable hair, now more than half of his face was covered.
They, and the rest of their unchanged crew, seemed to be in battle.
Their competitor, an equally young man, with dark hair and spotted that, fought with great skill and interesting ability, his crew seemed equally powerful, a polar bear was included, along with an interesting late-teens girl, with blue hair and powerful swordsmanship, she, had taken up the battle with the blondie addressed as first mate, but he seemed to not go all out on the woman, as the rest of the crew, they gave it all they got.
The battle raged on, and I stared at the once little boy I knew so long ago.
He looked up, directly at me, and went wide eyed and got a profound look on his face, causing his opposer to take the win.
He then left quickly, followed by his first mate and best friend who kept repeatedly asking about what had happened.
"I saw her.." He said, his breathing heavy,
"Who?" Asked the blond, calmly as ever.
"Her..." He breathed, pausing for a long moment before adding, "V!" 
It was truly him...
The one who saved my life.

And, once upon a time, stole my heart.

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