Stories and Shattered Glass

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They stare at me and I return the stare, calm and quiet. . . especially quiet, the eldest speaks again, "Well?!" he comments and oh so very slowly a half smile begins to etch across my face.

A rare occurrence,

They seem to really not know who I am....

Then an even more rare phenomenon occurred.

I let out a small giggle, which went on for a few seconds, evolving into a slightly psychopathic laugh, echoing through the trees my head thrown back to the sky, my mind reversing once again to the past, but this time it wasn't that long ago...

-A Few Months Ago-

I stand of to the sides of the thing I've learned to call a ship.

This one, more specifically, a pirate ship.

And with that information, I could say in more depth, a man called 'Red Haired Shanks' pirate ship.

I as the person I am, have learned to never, under any given circumstances, trust any given pirate.

But this pirate, he shouldn't be labeled such a nasty thing. He is like a god in human skin, saving me from Hell itself. Indeed, he was taking me to an island of freedom, one in which I could grow until I was an adult, then find vengeance for all in need of it.

And, maybe, find out who I am... perhaps...

He smiled down upon me, the scar running across his eye seemed to not scar me, but almost.

"Wait until we get there Nyx. There, you'll be able to grow and play properly, with other children, you'll be cared for, that I can assure you!" He said with a pleasant, safe grin.

I nod in response, barley managing a small smile for my savior.

Then a man approaches, grinning he announced to his captain that we were now docking.

The red head, nodded thanking him, then turn to me, "We've arrived!" he says happily as he extends a hand.

I stare at it for a moment then look up at him, he nods, and I take it lightly.

he guides me off the ship and down the dusty streets, I slightly hide behind him, but glimpse the figure of a..... little boy? as we walk towards a bar like faculty.

I enter and immediately see my place.

I release the grip I had on the one called Shanks hand and bow at the waist, "Thank you, sir. . . for everything." I then turn and walk up to the counter, a kind looking woman with dark green hair was filling a glass, "Good afternoon, ma'am," I say politely bowing once more, I then said, "What would you prefer for me to attended to first?"

She looks at me oddly and I then give a few suggestions, "I could sweep, do dishes, fill glasses, take out trash, whip counters, and I am capable of many more things."

She looks surprised for a moment then shakes both her head and hands, "No no no! You don't need to do a thing dear!"

I blink slightly surprised, then I firmly state, "Please ma'am, I insist, I need to feel like I have purpose."

She looks at me then says, "Well...."

I nod and disappear behind the counter, adjusting my already present apron, and grabbing a broom, insentiently getting to work.

She looks at me for a moment, as if to interfere, but then decides against it giving Shanks a questioning look, in which he shrugged, looking from me to the kind woman.

I work, sweeping the floors, filling cups as they emptied, and whipping up spilled rum and sake caused by the group of pirates.

I was behind the counter cleaning dishes when he entered, my back towards the chaos, elbow deep in hot water and suds.

"OIII SHANKS!!!" I hear a younger voice exclaim.

I listen and work at the same time, a part of me wondering why in the great gods' names where there a child in a bar?

I mean, I don't count of course, since I was doing chores then another part of me started wondering; what was he talking about?

A place.

A person.

A thing...

All this information, combining and colliding into one glob of a mess.

The Grand line.

The Pirate King.

The One Piece...

All this old a new information... the glass I had gripped in my shaking pale hand shatters, shards of glass going everywhere.

At this same moment the door bursts open and a looming figure enters, causing no one to notice my mishap.

I quickly resort to the floor collecting shards of glass, a two sided conversation going on on the opposite side of the bar counter.

I quickly slip out the back door, the shards of glass in my apron, I catch a glimpse of a smiling Shanks, trying to compromise with an angry man, yelling about sake.

I stand in front of the trash bin, letting each shared of glass fall in and shatter at the tin bottom of the bin.

I watch the glass as if it was in slow motion fall to the bottom of the bin, as it shattered, my eyes wailed with tear.

I hear shouting.

I snap back into the reality blinking away the tears,

I blink a few times, my eyebrows furrowed with confusion, I then shake off the odd moment as I slip back into the bar to find it completely and utterly empty.

I stay inside the bar cleaning, waiting for the red haired man to return. Yet, more minutes past, and then when I was about to go out to look for him the green haired woman returned.

"Oh! I completely forgot about you Nyx! I'm so sorry!" She said as she looked at me, her apron spotted with blood.

"Where is Shanks, ma'am?" I question in a polite tone.

"He's leaving now... If you hurry you can probably catch him."

I nod bowing as I remove my apron, hanging it on a hook then quietly walking to the door, but once I was outside, I bolted for the docks, my long inky hair whipping behind me, the wind licking at my face.

I was too late.

I stand in the middle of the road taking in the scene before me, my hair flipping around gently in the late afternoon breeze.

His ship was heading into the sunset and on the wall in front of the docks sat a small boy.

Upon his head a hat.

Shanks hat.

I silently approach the boy.

His cheeks where wet with tears, a bandage over his cheek, slightly dirty as most little boys are.

My quiet slightly different voice breaks the silence. "My names Valdis Nyx."

He looks up at me, confusion flickering in his eyes, I look down at him.

something was different about him. I don't know what, but his life... it will be something ordinary people could only dream of.

I turn and walk away, not another word emitting from my lips as he beckons for me to wait.

The Secret of Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें