Breaking Glass

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I jumped out of the bed, tying the sheet around me like a dress.
Still way to revealing.
I run up to the metal door and let my bawled up fists strike upon it, over and over again, yelling, when slowly, the door cracked open, and two black eyes peeked at me, framed with fur.
"H-hi." I whisper, "Could... could you please open the door."
He shook his head no.
"Captain's orders." He said.
And black streaks of annoyance form by my head, a black aura around me.
I walk around the small room, which had a little counter, sink, cabinets and drawers in one corner, but the cabinets and drawers were all locked.
My eyes land on a window, just big enough for me to shimmy out of, and I run forward, and see nothing but blackness.

It must be a cloudy night...

I grab the IV rack and point it towards the window and I run forward, slamming it with all my force into the glass.
No give.
I repeat this action several times, and after about five minutes, there was a thin crack in the glass.
And my arm was now aching.
But I had no time to rest...
I slam into the glass a few more times, but the thick glass was almost impenetrable.
I slam it in a final time and another crack forms, and another, I grin, it was working!
I run forward and slam with my last little bit of strength into the glass, and it spider webbed.
Leaking water.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, then the glass broke, and water came shooting in.
I scream, and back against the wall farthest from the broken window.
If the water touched me, I'd drown and die.
I have no other choice than to scream.
And screaming, is what I shall do.

I climb onto the metal table as it floats, thanking whatever gods there were that I was a light person.
Outside I heard a voice, "You don't trust me very much do you?" Say's Law, carefree and in no hurry to help me.
"PLEASE!!" I cried, "HELP ME!"
"And why should I do that?" He said.
I could feel his smirk radiating through the metal, aimed at me.

The water was almost halfway to me.

"PLEASE!!" I scream, using the IV pole to push myself across the room to the door. "I'LL PASS OUT!! PLEASE LAW!!"
"What's in it for me?" He said, I could imagine his coy smirk deepening.
"PLEASE!!" I cry, The water starting to near the edge of the table.
"What did I just say?" He asked, treating me like I was stupid.
Then the door opened, and a polar bear swept me off my feet, water going everywhere before he closed the door tightly.

A hand closed around my wrist as I lay in the bear's arms, gray met blue, and my eyes go wide as I comprehend what could be the consequences of my recent action.

The Secret of Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें