Inner Instincts Part 1

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The night etched on, after the usual delicious dinner of baked crab cakes and shrimp pasta in a creamy white sauce, and for me, a simple glass of lemon water, but for Kiti, her usual bottle of sake.

I decided to take the first shift, Kiti, who had been wanting to watch the entire night since the little incident a few weeks back with the cloaked person, was surprisingly agreeable, nodding as she sleepily slinked off to her room.

I walk outside, the night warm a light breeze playing with my dark locks and the skirt of my dress. It seemed peaceful, but I would never let the night convince me into a tranquil state, only to get jared back into reality when an attack is already underfoot.
I climb up to the crow's nest, sitting on the railing, watching the moon reflect in ripley waves against the sea.
I peer into the distance, the yellow blurb still there. There must be coral reef... land must be nearby.
That also means no more fishing, a type of plant in coral reefs that fish eat is deadly to humans, even when its been consumed by a fish. I'll have to tell Kiti...

I move from facing the east to facing the north.
My crew is weak. Not even a crew... just two kids playing pirates.
Were going to die.
We need to become stronger...
At the next island we will recruit...
I sigh, closing my eyes.
We need a real navigator, a real chef, a real mechanic, a real sharp shooter, a real doctor... we need crew members.
Not a Cat-Girl of all traits. It's too much to put on her...

I watch the moon tick upwards until it was directly overhead and the half sleep cat girl came creeping up the rope ladder, coffee cup in hand.
"Night Captain..." She said with a mew like yawn as she patted my shoulder when we passed.

I return to my room, not really sleepy.
Sleep isn't really something that affects me. The only time I really sleep is after battle, and really honestly, today I didn't actually fight, but I pull on the black silky nightgown I got a while back and never got around to wearing.
It showed a lot of cleavage...
I really didn't approve, but who cared? No one was around to see me...
Sniffing I stare at the ceiling in my steadily rocking hammock.
After a while, I drift off, my senses alert, some inner instinct trying to warn me of something...
But I couldn't figure out just what.

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