A Fight and a Flaming Night

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I sat inside, staring out the window, my chin resting on my palm. 
Something new and different kindling in my eyes.

There was something up. I could feel it. Something was about to happen.

Then, like rain breaking after hours of dark skies and roaring winds, I felt the first explosion of pain.
I blink, sitting up.
I knew this feeling.
It was the same way I felt when Luffy got captured,
And I wasn't there to help save him when he needed me most.
I failed him, Ace and Sabo.
The Mountain Bandits left not too long ago, but then again, they don't involve me in any of their actions...
I could smell smoke.
I stand.
I'm strong now.
I wrap my hand around my staff.
I have to protect them.... My brothers...

My nakamas.

I tie my hair back with a white ribbon and walk out the door.
I had to find them.

My feet thump against the ground in a practiced manner, my staff slung on my back, my face serious, calm, but maybe, if you looked close enough, you could see the fear kindling in my icy blues.

The smoky secant was nauseating and I could see flicking flames threw the trees, the sun setting lower and lower, light mixing with smog.

I'm standing in front of the wall of flames.

I close my eyes tight, fire's protected me before, and maybe it'll do so again.

I jump. Merging with the burning light. I feel free. The smoke burning my lungs made me want to breathe longer, the fire licking at the hem of my dress and the strings of my hair made me feel as if I was fire myself.

I see them all standing, Luffy was hurt, Ace was holding his ground, and Sabo was nowhere to be seen.

I hear Dadan command them to flee.

But Ace stand tall.

I run and hear a few yells in a questioned tone, "Nyx?!"

I stand tall next to Ace, my hair blowing around my face, my eyes narrow.

I wasn't here for them. Now, I must fight for them, maybe if I was here, Luffy wouldn't be hurt to the injury levels he's at, maybe this would of all ended better for all of us.

But I wasn't here. So now, I must help make up for that, I pull my staff from my back, the ribbon around it flicked back and forth, slightly singed by the flame.

Ace was unfazed by my saddened appearance, I could feel Dadan's presence behind us.

"Go Nyx. Stay with Luffy." She demands dark faced.

I too dark faced said quietly, "I'll stay where I'm most needed." My eyes flicker as I look up, "And I am needed here now. And no one's going to stop me.

She silences herself as I prepare myself into a fighting position, sending the rest of the bandits and Luffy away.

The man before us laughed. "A woman and two kids."

I closed my eyes, blocking out the world, I must fight with every last ounce of power I possess, for Luffy, for Ace, for Sabo.

I open my eyes and we burst into action.

A blow to the chest that narrowly missed my heads sent my flying backwards. I could taste the metallic-y blood on my tongue, blurring my right eye's vision with a layer of red. I wipe it away, standing.
My little fanatics haven't been acting up, a good sign, I heave for breath, perspiration dripping down my face.
I'm much, much weaker than Ace... Much less Dadan, but I'll fight till my last breath.

I have to.

I see Dadan, thrown like a rag doll, same as I had only moments before, then a blade went swinging at Ace.
My mind raced.
I jump,  then pain,

I look at Ace wide eyed, and he whispers, "Nyx."

My face slowly relaxes, and I smile. "I'm... fine."

Then the blood splatters everywhere.
My back felt as if it had been stung by one hundred bees, scorched by a thousand flames, blood oozing down my back, my dress in shards.
I could see the tip poking through my chest.
The sword was removed and I gasp.

"I'll be fine." I say as I push myself to my feet, using my staff to push myself up, as I turn, "I... will not . . .let you hurt my brother." I growl, positing the staff in my hands, barely able to stand upright.  

Then the metal pipe blocked the bullet, Ace holding it in front of me, a steaming hole in the metal. "And I won't let you hurt my sister." He growled and then everything went black.


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