Jerk off

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             “Tiff wake up, class is over” I once again I had fallen asleep again during one of my classes this was the third time today. “I’m up” stretching my arms up in the air. Looking at the clock above the door before walking out the biology lab I had less than three minutes to walk across campus and get to my next class. Oh great professor Hans the biggest jerk off you’ll ever meet he’ll kick you out of his class for just about anything. If I make a run for it I’ll probably make it on time. I almost made it I was just a few feet away until I run into something more like some one. “Fuck” I cried out just as I crushed right into them. Ouch I landed right on my butt. Gosh it was too late Hans already shut his door. Jerk off. Oh well back to my dorm it is I need the sleep anyways. “hey you there” I was so lost in my own world I never realized that whoever I run into was still standing there, they probably think I’m crazy. As soon as I looked up I regretted looking at them. The one person I thought I would never see.  He stood there waiting for something, I just simply gathered my things and turned and walked off well I basically ran away like my life depended on it.


Kasha and I pulled up to where the party was suppose to be at. “Kas I don’t think there’s any party here” I rubbed my hands on my arms as cool night air touch my skin. I should’ve brought a sweater with me. “girl what are you talking about trust me there’s a party here” kasha said as she walked up the steps of what looked like an empty house all the lights were closed it didn’t even look like there was anyone home except for some rusty truck on the drive way that looked like it hadn’t been used in years. The door opened by itself just a little bit. “Omg kas I know you seen that lets go this house is creeping me out” I began walking away but kasha grabbed be by the arm and pulled me towards to door. “Quit being such a big baby tiff, trust me there’s a party here I promise” she open up the door even more and dragged me in with her. There we were in an empty room pitch black except for a little light coming form the door behind us. I heard the door shut now there was no source of light. “Kas let get out of here” no response “kasha” still no response “kasha I’m not playing lets go….Kasha where are you” I was panicking big time “oh gosh I’m to young to die I just turned sixteen I not ready to die” I was ready to break down and start crying. I tried to find the door but it was no use I could see anything. Then I bumped into something and started screaming at the top of my lungs. Ahh! Finally the lights switched on and people yelled Surprise! I stopped screaming and looked there was all my friends and classmates. Kasha stood there laughing along with Lauren and Sarah. Oh my goodness this is so embarrassing. Brian walked up to me and gave me a hug and kiss right on the lips. I pulled away and punched him right on the arm. “Ouch what was that for” he had his hand on his arm rubbing the spot were I hit him. “Whose smart idea was it to scare me like that ya’ll almost gave me a heart attack.” I placed my hands on my hips and started mean mugging everyone. Lauren walked up to me and hugged me “stop being such a baby tiff, we’re sorry but your reaction was too funny”  she laughed and hugged me again “ Happy Birthday you’re my best friend and you know I would never let you get hurt” I hugged her back “yeah I know” I smiled... one of the few moments I had left of me being happy     

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