Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"I didn't want to change you." Luke said, walking towards Calum, who took a few steps back. "I didn't want to do anything you wouldn't of wanted." 

"I would've rather died right then, I don't want to have the thought in my mind all the time, that I have four years to live." Calum sniffled. "I don't think you know how I'd feel about that, having that thought in my head.." 

"There was no choice Calum. It was either let you transition, which you might of not made through, or give you the antidote." Luke sighed, standing in front of the boy. "I did what I thought was best, and I'm sorry if it wasn't." He said, gently grabbing both of Calum's hands. "I'm sorry." 

"Fuck it." Calum snorted, wiping away his tears. "If I only have four years to live, then I better make the most of it."


Luke knew he shouldn't be jealous. It was his idea to go to the club with Calum, Michael, Jack, and Ashton. He thought it would be a fun thing to do, to get things off of Calum's mind. The blond still feels bad about lying, and what decision he made, but what is done, is done. 

But he was jealous, is the thing, and there's no point in denying it any-more. There's no point in trying to pretend that seeing Calum all over this punk across the dance-floor. The boy was grinding his ass against the man's bulge, obviously he was drunk as hell.

 Luke imagined the thought of bending the younger boy over right there and then and spanking his ass raw for everyone to see that Calum was his, goddamnit.

But then Luke realized that Calum was waiting for exactly that, he's waiting for Luke's jealousy to reach its peak so the older boy will punish him by spanking him, maybe even fuck him into the mattress right after if he's been particularly bad, and well.

Upon his realization Luke growled, slamming his glass down on the bar. He could see out of the corner of his eye Calum looking over, and smirking. 

The brown eyed-boy had had the audacity to fucking wink at Luke before turning around to wrap his arms around the man's waist, and grinding his own bulge against his. 

Before Luke was aware of what he was doing he had already crossed the distance that separated him from Calum and roughly grabbed him by the arm, ignoring the  glare from the man as the blond-haired boy dragged Calum away from him to the bathroom where hopefully nobody was occupying. 

"Tell me, Calum," Luke said between gritted teeth as he backed Calum up against the wall, gripping his hips hard enough to bruise, smirking slightly as he heard the boy gasp and try to hold back a moan. "Are you really that much of a desperate slut you even go around all the men here, begging them to fuck you?"

Calum closed his eyes, relishing in the angry tone in Luke's voice and the way he was speaking to him. Being called a slut had always made him feel all tingly inside, he didn't know why. Maybe it was the alcohol.

"Do you think" Calum began, licking his lips "that maybe that man would be willing to fuck me if I asked him nicely?"

Luke inhaled deeply, trying to calm the jealousy burning in the pit of his stomach. He knows Calum doesn't mean it, but it still. It still hurts.

"I think" said Luke, lifting a hand so he could rub his thumb over Calum's soft plump bottom lip. "you should stop this; whatever you think you're doing. Stop it."

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Calum said, shrugging. He was trying to appear nonchalant, but the expression on his face betrayed him. His eyes were bright with mischief and his big red lips were stretched into a cocky grin. 

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